
Communion on Demand

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HI yall.
Well, we are transitioning to be able to meet virtually, through technology. I’m learning and you are too, probably. Perry Stone says revival will come through the lense of a camera. I hope it does, especially for him. He just had thousands of youth watching a set of meetings that couldn’t be held at his building.

Online communion in normal times might not make sense, but it seems to make sense today. Here is the link for you to use. We will say we are meeting, if asynchronously. Be blessed; be encouraged. Overtake all. LOL
Communion Audio

Austin events Campaign Austin Church growth Holy Spirit guidance

Time to Listen!

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Today we had a word out of Haggai Time for the church to repent. We followed the request of the President, passed on by Franklin Graham and others, a couple of weeks ago to repent on behalf of the nation — a nation that has passed as law of the land things that are hateful to God, that have always proven to be detrimental to society over the centuries, and have never been tradition in the US. Now, however, we are called to pray for repentance for the church. May the Lord grant repentance to the church. And our loved ones. Time to listen!

It is time for a fear of God. We pray that God grant it to us, to the church, and our nation.

For us, also, time to get stirred up, to open our eyes to the way God sees it. Time to build the Kingdom. And the House. God’s way.

For this, God promises blessings.

Also we got a good example of someone who heard from God to get supplies for his family. That is the way we ought be to: practiced in hearing from God. Let’s work on it. Failing that, good if we have had a history of listening to God and good teaching and being prepared. Failing that, listen now. Sort which teachers are good. And LISTEN!

This is the sequence: presence, power, glory, and shalom.

Campaign Austin Church growth Controversial Issues News

Generals of the Faith Warned Us — The Church Didn’t Listen

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Aren’t you finding that? People who weren’t listening are still not listening? Those who were too proud to listen to good advice are now running with their hand shaking in the air. Those who mocked have just left. Those who shut out God, still are trying other things. It is sad. Perhaps the church is sadder – either scared, or making negative contributions when they could be showing the way, or else into speculations.

Please hear the words of the generals. Mario has quoted them. They say: get serious. Actually seek God instead of just your own comfort. When you do church, do it right. Don’t be distracted.

Let’s us listen. Let us, those who are in the game, step it up.

Prayer Worship

Ideas for Being/Having Church While Complying with Executive Order Not to Meeting in Large Groups

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I’ve been thinking house church, not because something is great about houses and certainly not great to have no educated, dedicated leadership. Rather, I’ve been thinking that we need to focus on evangelism, discipleship, and leadership building rather than merely infra-structure. Looks now like many people might re-think how to do church precisely because they can’t use the large building they have. However, you all do have other infrastructure to use.

What will you do? Just heard that one church, because the pastor has the tech savvy is now online. He also has appointed leaders over sections of the congregation for helps, support, and accountability. Thus, everyone will be taken care of. Churches that have “small groups” can use that structure to be sure everyone is taken care of. Some small groups will have to fission. Pastoral staff can stay in touch with the small group leaders, supplying them with more material. Watch parties could arise.

There should particularly be some appointments to see after “widows and orphans” — in our culture, the elderly and the very poor. Some people can not work from home. Older people may have trouble with the restrictions. Please watch out for your congregation.

However, what about people down the block? On the one hand, I have a report that neighbors have already snitched on Christian groups, and called the police when it appeared that more than 10 people were meeting. This is really amazing since the executive order went in Friday at 2:30p and I am writing this Saturday 7:00p! Somebody was quick to turn Christians in. And in Texas. And in a fairly small town! At any rate, it is a good time to check on your family, friends, and neighbors to see if they are okay. My next door neighbors are members of a very large church nearby that couldn’t meet last Sunday. They could never fit under the 250 rule! So my neighbors joined the handful of people in my living room.

Now, their church probably thinks that this will be a 3 week interruption. Well the tech savvy pastor mentioned above hopes so too. I have no word from God on that. However, I know that in the natural, there is no reason to think so. The President mentioned August in his remarks. So, pastors, please go ahead and move on this now.

We are thankful for those who stream, and for those who have added ‘casts. There is a lot of word and worship available. It really is not hard to start. Facebook requires only an account, a camera and a microphone and you can cast. Streaming is better, but takes a bit more. Ask your sound man. Remember, nothing electronic is private, but Facebook perhaps the least of all.

A pastor friend of mine prophesied in January that this year would be a year of interruption, particularly of public school. that has happened. Now he is saying “reset.” Yes, I believe I heard that somewhere else. Churches who are mostly just shows and expect people to come just a couple of times a month, after 4 months may not find themselves with much congregation. However, on fire Christians will surely see this as a wake-up call and it will renew and revive them. Squashing meetings down to 10 will … we will see.

The most motivating thing I heard just now on my round of telephone calls, was a pastor who said he was spending his days in travailing prayer. Let’s do more praying and more listening to God! We prayed in repentance for the nation last week. Let’s pray in repentance for the church this week.

Austin events Prayer Uncategorized

Day of Fasting and Prayer Today

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Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, All Nations Church in Fort Mill, SC, have declared today a day of fasting and prayer. (We realize that many people because of health condition can not fast food and water. Fast what you can. Maybe food. Maybe meat and sweet. Maybe television. Whatever the Lord leads.)

Weekly Watch Focus: Raise the Shield! Wield the Sword! Corporate Call to Pray and Fast

Battle Lines Are Drawn—

The assault is on public confidence because panic creates chaos and shuts down love.
The assault is on love because that’s who God is.
The assault is on the business community because it funds the work of God. The assault is on the FAITH of believers because we are the salt and light. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “The Church is the only hope for the world.” We are set up for a massive display of God’s recovery!

We—the Church everywhere, believers on the earth—are the front line of defense and offense. Raise your shield and wield the sword of your word in agreement with God’s word in this moment.

Two things this week:


Following up with the President’s call and National Day of Prayer, we are calling you to participate in a day of fasting this Thursday, March 19. You may fast in any form you have grace for. We are asking everyone to participate. If you choose to fast food, some of all that stuff you may have packed into your cupboard will just go that much farther! For our ANC family local and abroad, we were going to “honor Pastor Bonnie” for her birthday coming up this Friday, March 20th. She asks that in lieu of gifts you join with her in the fast day this Thursday.

We are fasting according to Psalm 2:6-8: “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.’”


For America. Fast and pray for America’s victory in the full-fledged battle against the coronavirus outbreak. Lift up a concerted prayer for our nation to be hidden in the shadow of the Most High. Lift up the name of Jesus and the Lord’s banner of victory over this disease. Pray for the administrations on national, state, and local levels to effectively cooperate and collaborate. Pray they mobilize our best reach and resource to turn the tide of infection and begin national recovery of health to our citizenry and economy. Bind spirits of panic, isolation, greed, and the kind of “self preservation” that disregards concern for a neighbor as well as one’s self. Ask for America!

For Italy. She is the spiritual mother of the faith of Christians around the world for generations. She has been put on display globally as an epicenter of celebrating Christ, specifically the sacred beauty and power of His death on the cross through the Eucharist. Regardless of your theology or ours, putting Jesus on display through faith appropriated in His body and blood is the demonstration of the gospel: “Every time you do this you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” (1 Cor. 11:26). It is the ultimate challenge to the kingdom of darkness and the kingdoms of this world. It is His “blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins…poured out for many…given for you!”

Italy is being crushed beneath the shadow of coronavirus. The infection rate has spiked, the healthcare system has been pressed beyond capacity and medical workers are now having to choose whom to save. Nearly a quarter of Italy’s population are octogenarians, the most vulnerable and highest risk for this infection.

In the midst of this crisis, we are also we are seeing the incredible love and resilience of the Italian people under lockdown quarantine out on their balconies filling their atmosphere with songs of love and solidarity for one another. Let’s join them, America.

Heartwarming Moments Quarantined Italians Sing Together from Balconies

The Italian Airforce gives a Big Emotional lift to their Nation.

Pray for supernatural turnaround. We lift up every aspect of Italy’s medical facilities and workers. Pray for the families being hit by this crisis, the governing agencies and decision makers, and their supply lines.

Bind fear and accusation.

Loose the consolation of the Holy Spirit and recovery of all that has been stolen from them as a people, as families, as a nation.

Pray for the Church and believers across the nation to be anointed with fresh healing power and testimony to proclaim the gospel in this hour of trouble.

Pray for the Vatican, Pope Francis, and Father Cantalamessa, the preacher to the papal household under the two previous popes and current Pope. We have had the joy of meeting Father Cantalamessa on several occasions. He is a wonderful vessel of joy and love who was filled with the Holy Spirit in the U.S. during the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970’s in which Derek Prince, our spiritual father and your spiritual grandfather, played such a significant role.

As you pray for Italy, thank the Lord for your New Testament:
· Apostle Paul’s “prison letters” written from Rome;
· Ephesians, the great “Church” anthem;
· Philippians, the affectionate brotherhood epistle;
· Colossians, the majestic ode to the Son King;
· Philemon, the appeal and plea for social justice and brotherly kindness.

Click here to read the entire watch focus
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Austin events Campaign Austin Church growth

Church at Max 10 means lots of House Churches

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Many of you have churches that will broadcast that is great. Others do not. Do this.
Invite your neighbors and have church. You can either all watch a broadcast or have service in a format I will give you.
But listen, if you have a broadcast service, don’t leave it at that. Real fellowship is more than shaking hands — which you might not want to do anyway. Real fellowship is: “how are you doing?
” “Is there anything I can help with.” We need that today.

If you want a broadcasted service, I recommend All Nations in Fort Mill, South Carolina:

Will try to reco one in California.

But look, people are very interested in their style of worship. Fine, just share.

Now, here is an alternative method, and really superior if you can pull it off.
Some method of starting. You can call that “A Call to Worship” A scripture works well.
Some worship via music. If your group can sing, that is superior. At the minimum, you can play a worship song on your phone.
Prayer time.
Message from the Bible or Bible Study.

We do this, except we have a sermon and prayer time to close, then have break for coffee and pastries, and then have Bible Study.

The rule for Bible Study is comments are permitted only about the verse we are all looking at. Personal reflections and personal experiences only. No doctrine from somewhere else. So, not expect5ed that we must all agree, but is expect6ed that everyone interacts with the text and is transformed, God working with each one where they are. Now, of course, when I run them, I do field questions. If questions arise in your group that no one can answer, fine, write them down and call someone later. Then share the answer next week.

This could be a great time: revival of real community, awakening for neighborhoods, and getting to know neighbors and the Lord!

Also, you might want to go down the block to be sure everyone is okay. Maybe two by two. Everyone is watching the Christians. Let’s reflect the Light of the Lord.


House meeting very satisfactory

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Had a bigger crowd yesterday. Some new folks. Some folks who had been meaning to come. Some visitors who could not go to their big church.
After the meeting, somebody shared this video. It is not ours, but we like it:
This is Discipling; this is church.
Because this is a house church, and we are just starting, how about emailing who you are and letting me send you directions via email? I guess we have enough men to make us safe, but just in case.
Thanks, Sharon

Austin events launch Prayer


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After some deliberation and prayer, it has been decided that we are going to switch to meeting at my house. This should take care of folks who need to not be in germ’s way and keep up appropriately private, etc. We had hoped to make this move in a few weeks anyway.

However, even though I do not live here alone and even though it is a safe neighborhood, I do not want to put the address on the internet. Please email me for the address. We meet at 9:30. Tommorrow we will have something like breakfast type refreshments. In future, we will attempt a potluck.

Oh, we have exciting times. I am very encouraged. Revival is upon us. HalleluJah.

Agenda: Did you know that Purim just happened? I think this is very prophetic in regard to current events. The President of the USA and Franklin Graham, and Pastor Mahesh Chavda have all asked us to join in the National Day of Prayer (of repentance on behalf of the nation and asking God’s mercy and help facing covid-19) and this we will do. We have not forgotten that we are in a series studying the Holy Spirit. So it will be a great morning.

Please make every effort to come. We are in the beginning days of this congregation and of a great move of God. You will want to say you were there. Indeed, you want to be here.



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One would have thought it would be some time before we could announce we have a youth group. Maybe some time after that, when we know these youth, we could announce a trip. A great trip would be to Warrior Fest at Omega Center International in Cleveland TN, hosted by Perry Stone. Lots of kids get saved, delivered from things like drugs and cigarettes, and many more get encouraged in their Christian walk at Warrior Fest. But it is a big deal to travel across the county.

But HA! since We have been asked not to have large gatherings, so Brother Stone has announced that Warrior Fest will be online. Free! Ha! So may revival spread infinitely.

And since that is the case, I am announcing we are partnering with the effort. HAHA. So if you have any young people, encourage them to watch. We will post at least one link here. Probably there will be sessions on Facebook, but OCI has streaming on their site. I would say go to and look for a red button on the upper right hand “watch live.”

Now, if we can get together some young people, I would be happy to host them at my house. Let’s keep our eye out for youth. It is temping to talk just to folks who are looking like they already understand the value of Bible study, but if we listen and look, Holy Spirit will lead us to people who need help and would like to understand the value of Bible study.

What satan meant for evil, God will use for good. Who knew that there would be a great revival when everyone stayed home?! HAHA!

Current Events Healing Holidays Sonship

Answer to Covid-19 Hidden in Purim Story

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Several things in the Purim story (Esther, Mordecai and Haman) are very prophetic. What I noticed today is that the King himself didn’t undo the bad decree, but let Esther and Mordecai head up the routing of Haman’s plans. The King, however, did take care of Haman, who died on his own gallows.

We were told by more than one prophet that there would be a shaking this spring. The world is certainly shaken by the covid-19 corona virus. It is proving a great time for China’s people and government to see how helpful the Christians have been, risking their lives to help others, identified in yellow jackets. It would be a great time for Christians here to prove themselves helpful: non-fearful, non-greedy, and compassionate. Certainly, many are calling us to prayer. Many have urged more prudence than the governments and official medical folks are offering. I always have a virus protocol, scientifically cited on my site (a list of supplements like garlics and over the counter sometimes very counter-intuitive things). Dr. Braverman and Dr. Gabriel Cousens are circulating their suggestions (hydration and essential oils and homepathics respectively). Perry Stone ended his prayer meeting tonight with some basic ways to build up immunity including Vitamin C and Vitamin D and elderberry juice. More than one of us have remembered John G. Lake’s experience helping in the plague in South Africa. Plague germs would die when they touched him — verified under a microscope.

Let’s us stand up as sons and daughters of God and be like Jesus. If our immunity is built up as much as John G Lake’s good, but whatever level we are, let us pick up the weapons and gifts we have — and not lay them slack on the ground mesmerized and paralyzed by the enemy. No! We remember the heart of what we were about: Jesus. We follow Jesus. Let’s do what Jesus would do. Amen.

Blessings of health, healing, wholeness, wisdom and God’s peace be to you, yours, your city and your nation. Amen.