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Interesting Conversation

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Two men who have serve the Lord and seen miracles discuss various forms of leadership in congregations.

When you have a toxic situation, is it because the structure or doctrine made the leader toxic or did the leader set up a toxic structure?

When you have some special status, some special revelation, is that itself a red flag of being off center, heretical.

Is there a clear system for organization in the New Testament? Did Jesus give us a clear vision statement? Do we need more?

Many questions to ponder.


Agenda for a congregation, for Reforming “The Move,” and Certainly for Creating a good Movement

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  1. Build character. If we don’t build people, we can not progress. We must be sure we are discipled to Jesus in godly character or we will find ourself sadly discipled to the anti-Christ. This has been exposed already in so called Christian schools. And surely in government.
  2. We need to find a way to make a healthy congregational culture, in which we cherish rather than denounce each other. One that we can depend upon.
  3. We need to become prepared to take care of our families, then our congregation, and finally those around us.
  4. We need to develop a healthy eschatology. Clearly, we are in the very end of the end times. Unfortunately, most of the eschatological teaching has pointed us into depression, apathy or fear or alternatively to pride and fear. Either way, this is the opposite of what should be happening. Jesus is coming back for a bride who has made herself ready and wow, we need to get on the task right away and in a bug hurry.
  5. We need to serve as servant leaders! How are we going to have a great awakening or be ready for the millennium if we don’t? How could we ever claim to be like Jesus if we don’t.
  6. We need to begin to understand how law is always rooted in a religious viewpoint and thus being to learn Biblical law. Similarly, we must immediately find schools with Biblical worldview in order to protect, disciple and train for leadership our children and any those brought to us.
  7. We need to rule and reign through prayer, praise, and declarations.
  8. All of this is being more like Jesus in practical ways. First, of course, we need to be regenerated and filled with the Spirit, and seeking to be closer to the one and only Jesus Yeshua MaMesiach

NAR? Dominionism? Theocracy?

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Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, protege of Rienhard Bonneke, masterfully addresses the question of what, if anything the “New Apostolic Movement” is. He is correct in rooting it in C. Peter Wagner’s analysis.

He covers the concatenation of the conflation and projection in the NPR Fresh Air interview from 2012. Today, this sort of projection on the part of leftists is not new. I truly do hope that this level of lack of reason, ad hominen argument, and just plain wildness is not common.

Then, he shows how and why this has become the theme of  heresy hunting, most notably done by John MacArthur.

If you are worried about the NAR or about dominionism, then take a listen:



Current Events

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Morning Prayer at 6:30 am CT on Youtube, search for Radiant Church Robert Henderson. Available on Facebook under Radiant Church Waco. Also see

For coverage of inauguration day, see the show called Flashpoint on, from what has traditionally been the largest Christian broadcast company.  Don’t let division in your heart keep you from good coverage. Grow up. Sort.  Just because some one connected to some one else did something you didn’t like years ago, doesn’t mean that now you should stay ignorant, when reputable people are showing videos of something you need to see.

Good analysis: Lance Wallnau many various platforms, Mario Murillo, and humor Johnathan Shuttlesworth – see his app at

Contact us for prayer, Bible Study and fellowship. We have one event every Saturday even from 6:00 to 7:30 and another Sunday morning.


Roberts Liardon Offers Course on Women in the Ministry

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For the month of November, with replays, Roberts Liardon offers a course on how God uses women in the ministry.
Roberts Liardon is the foremost historian and documentary on God’s generals of the recent past. He has footage, made for you on the healing evangelists. These include, of course, Kathryn Kuhlman and Amiee Semple McPherson.


Happy Fathers’ Day

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We are wishing all fathers a happy day.
It was pointed out that churches often honor mothers, but forget fathers.
Well, I’m not big on the church celebrating secular holidays. However, yes, we ought to honor parents, how they support their children, and how they contribute to the family. Yes, we should honor the elders and those who contribute and do their duty.
Bless all fathers this Sunday, especially those who are good fathers.