- Build character. If we don’t build people, we can not progress. We must be sure we are discipled to Jesus in godly character or we will find ourself sadly discipled to the anti-Christ. This has been exposed already in so called Christian schools. And surely in government.
- We need to find a way to make a healthy congregational culture, in which we cherish rather than denounce each other. One that we can depend upon.
- We need to become prepared to take care of our families, then our congregation, and finally those around us.
- We need to develop a healthy eschatology. Clearly, we are in the very end of the end times. Unfortunately, most of the eschatological teaching has pointed us into depression, apathy or fear or alternatively to pride and fear. Either way, this is the opposite of what should be happening. Jesus is coming back for a bride who has made herself ready and wow, we need to get on the task right away and in a bug hurry.
- We need to serve as servant leaders! How are we going to have a great awakening or be ready for the millennium if we don’t? How could we ever claim to be like Jesus if we don’t.
- We need to begin to understand how law is always rooted in a religious viewpoint and thus being to learn Biblical law. Similarly, we must immediately find schools with Biblical worldview in order to protect, disciple and train for leadership our children and any those brought to us.
- We need to rule and reign through prayer, praise, and declarations.
- All of this is being more like Jesus in practical ways. First, of course, we need to be regenerated and filled with the Spirit, and seeking to be closer to the one and only Jesus Yeshua MaMesiach