Jesus Pattern Son » August 2023

Monthly Archives: August 2023

Current Events

Hitler Takes Power, Lied to the Church, Diminished Freedoms

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Continuing in our review of Erwin Lutzer’s Hitler’s Cross, we cover how Hitler lied to the church, made deals promising religious freedom for political support, but private said he intended to completely shut down churches. The state could dedicate babies and make holidays! He appeared to be a Roman Catholic but was really practicing occultism. Most churchmen went along.

Here what Lutzer says, and a little by James Dobson and R. Rushdoony.

I think you will make many connections with what is going on today. Don’t be a church leader who makes similar mistakes.

History News

Hitler’s Cross 1

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I am reviewing Edward Lutzer’s book Hitler’s Cross. In this episode I simply establish what was going on in Germany and with Hitler as the Third Reich began.

I will let you pretty much draw your own conclusions. I think it is a shame we don’t study history. Indeed, in The Move, we didn’t have any political opinions according to Sam Fife. It offered some peace – at that time. Now, while I don’t think it is a great idea to perseverate on what the devil is doing, I think it helps discernment and intelligent action to know a little history — and made comparisons. Or contrasts. And not be sucked into being triggered. Enjoy.