
Another Summary of Where we Are in The Timeline of God

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Lance Wallnau explains the swirl of current events, including the “pandemic” and “the deep state” and gives direction to the church. Pentecost is power for witness and the church is to be a temple for all the nations.
Be sure to subscribe HERE — because social media is often shut down for anyone who doesn’t got with the false narrative.

Holy Spirit guidance

Walk To Emmaus

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Sorry, forgot to record the service, but here is a short recap.
Psalm 78 notice: the theme of rehearsing the miracles in times past.
Luke 24 Jesus revealed on the walk to Emmaus: notice the same theme
Jesus comes to the two who are talking about what he had done and said, so much that they thought everyone was thinking about it
Notice how they characterize Jesus: the devoted one, the prophet, mighty in DEED and word
Notice they were sad, they speak of the hope, now forlorn
Notice they were bewildered at the women’s story
Jesus rehearses all the Scripture, how the Messiah was to suffer and rise again
Jesus did the usual blessing before the meal, hosting presumably because he was the teacher
in this, He revealed Himself
Then, the two were so excited, they went all the way back, in order to tell the eleven
Jesus came again, when they were rehearsing what He had said and did
He tells them they are to be witnesses, but wait for the power to come on Pentecost
In the same way, we have the key to rehearse what God has said and done, and inquire as we walk and talk, and now, look for Jesus
And expect power to be a witness, coming on Pentecost
Since we have seen such apocalyptic happenings this Spring, such a great rescue this Passover, not surprising we expect a Pentecost to mirror the first one.
expecting to meet face to face soon, expecting to focus on evangelism soon

Controversial Issues Discipleship Holy Spirit guidance Maturity Mission News Prayer

Chariot Wheels Falling Off

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We had difficulties with Zooming today.
So, I recorded the meeting, pretty much like it would have been had we met via Zoom.
This won’t stay up … gone now.

BTW, very happy that my theme has been verified prophetically. Other, bigger “men of God” have been referring to the chariot wheels coming off. Praise God .. So good to not only protect us but to speak to us… and consistently so. And so very important in this hour. Thank you, Lord!

We will have words and pix with the music from now on when using Zoom. Sorry for that lack before. BTW, discovered that our problems Sunday were because of a glitch that Zoom had. Oh my! on Sunday? Guess we had better pray for tech and for tech protection.

Hoping to be back live on Pentecost Sunday. That is May 31. Hope it will be a potluck party. Stay tuned for an announcement.
Then after that, hoping for personal evangelism.

Course links:
https://www.patriotacademy.com/ Free course on the Constitution
https://online.hillsdale.edu/#home Constitution 101


What is going to happen?

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What is going to happen when you die? How do you know? Do you know for sure?
Why not accept the grace, the gift of Jesus?

Ephesians_2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

If it is a gift, why refuse it? If it is nothing< why resist? All you have to do is pray in your heart that you receive the gift of God's grace. Well, no, you have to believe, receive, and say it too. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. If you want to know more, read the Bible.

Church growth Controversial Issues Discipleship Leadership Replication Maturity Mission

LEADERSHIP – The Way We Do Things Here

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Good leaders feed the sheep, watch over their souls, and mature the saints for more ministry and for growth into being like Jesus.

Most pastors in regular churches strive to develop a stable sheep base, so they have money for their infrastructure. Sure, many hope to actually teach some Bible along the way. But this pattern makes ministry really about placating people’s flesh, so they don’t stop giving. This model wastes a lot of time, hoping to do ministry somewhere sometime hopefully.

By contrast, we hope to develop more shepherds. If one is developing leadership in others, then one must deliver loving correction some times. One must always watch to see if lessons are learned, if tests are passed. One must rigorously lead by doing the best, hearing the best, teaching the best one can. Without this, people are not maturing and not being made ready for leadership. If the people don’t want this, they are not ready to prepare for leadership. They are not really even walking the Christian walk.

Tests for leadership don’t always come in the same order, but here are some very basic ones.
1. Work. You get to lead, or even have a say, only if you are working for the group.
2. Fulfilling the commitments you made. If you can’t do this, you are not reliable. You are not a leader. This goes along with telling the truth.
3. Being coordinative rather than rebellious. There is a place for leadership, so there is a place for respect and working with others, especially in the agreement upon direction.
4. Being civil, respectful, honoring.
5. Learning. How much should a teacher lavish attention on a student who refuses to learn?
This includes just plain being lazy lazy lazy. You were not meant for decoration.
This includes the full cup syndrome, that is, thinking you a lot, but showing you don’t.
This is related to avoiding the demons of division and strife — who often manifest as religious spirits and often get all caught up in nonsensical details.

Everything is a lesson. Everything is a test. Just because no one says anything to you, doesn’t mean they don’t know what you did; it doesn’t mean you got away with it.
We have already seen an amazing amount of spiritual warfare for such a little group. Just because you are the one scandalized, doesn’t mean you are the most right, the most holy. Often it means you are the most demonized. Don’t be scandalized; instead, be delivered, be healed, and be taught.

We know that given our mission and design, we will attract those who want to be leaders, but haven’t been in the past. This can be a place that will heal the wounds, fill in the holes, and cast out the demons. I hope this will help. Only you can make the decisions.


Panegyric an Angel Woodstock

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Awesome word of joy about a good Daddy God’s work for us Hebrews 12:18-24 , and 13:20.
The cross you take up is obedience. Whatever God tells you do to, that is what you obey. That is following Jesus.
Complete with music aimed for the folks who remember the 70s.
Will post if I can recover and transform the format of the recording.
But… you missed it.

And Will and Bonnie Chavda (in their service in Fort Mill SC) both quoted this verse: Zech 9:12. The Spirit works like that.

Austin events Blessings Holidays Holy Spirit guidance Leadership Replication News

Holy Week letter to Jesus Name Austin

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It has been some time since I’ve had the warm fuzzies of having us all together. We are having connectivity challenges. So, I am taking this avenue, email, which uses less bandwidth. Please respond with increased spiritual bandwidth. Seek God; hear God; and share with us by reply all something God has blessed you with.

Tonight will start the Feast of the Lord called Passover. Once long ago, the Lord rescued the Israelites out of bondage. Most of us don’t put proper attention on how sin binds us. Most of us don’t even see how much in bondage we are in our society, with poor education, deceptive and detrimental medicine, fake & bleeding-is-leading news, a financial system of thievery, and corrupt government. Indeed, we have a substitute value system regnant, that loves sin and hates godliness. But God is working a great rescue operation.

Passover is called Passover because the death angel passed over the houses of the Israelites – who *were told to stay in their homes,* and to *mark those homes with the blood of the lamb*, and *were told to eat the lamb together as a family.* And then to be prepared to move out. How prophetic of our day. Believe God will keep you. Feel protected as you celebrate communion with me, with the Chavdas, with the Enlows or wherever. (See links on www.JesusNameAustin.org for distance communion.)

On the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey, the liturgy and the words on people’s lips on the street was “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Save now.” That was the day that the Jewish families were supposed to be looking for a spotless lamb and taking it into their houses. On the day that Jesus took break and the cup in His celebration of the Passover, he was celebrating on the right day, but one day before the Sandhedrin – because over the years they had lost count. On the day that He was crucified, it was the day that families were slaying their lambs. Blood was running.

Then…it looked like the hopes of a the Kingdom were lost. One wondered if the guards or the Romans would come for more of us. The disciples and the women were huddled together. While they didn’t quite get it right in casting lots for the new 12th, it was an act of faith. There would be a tomorrow. Jesus’ mission would go on… somehow. Maybe?

But then, the women, the ones who had gone early to the tomb, came back with strange and awesome news.

We remember this. Let’s remember together.


Reply all, or type in the comment section of the website. Stay tuned for instructions for Friday night and Sunday services.

Austin events News Prayer

SUNDAY APRIL 5TH Prayer Points, Sermon Summary, & Zoom Help

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Please pray for our leaders, especially the President and Vice-President: that they make good decisions, have good counsel, and supernatural stamina
Let’s pray for the front line health care workers. Some are overworked because of the virus, almost all out of policy, and many are frightened. Many are without the supplies they need. Soon we will have many who have graduated without the full education that normally they would have had.
Let’s pray for each other. Each is undergoing their own challenges. Often we can pray in more faith for others.
Please add this seriously to your list: pray for the oversight of the Treasury. I have now had it confirmed that there has been an important change. Probably different things are intended by different people. Let’s pray that God’s will prevails. Really.

Fly over the book of Zechariah : 8 visions, answer to deputation, and 4 chapters on the ultimate victory of God’s Kingdom. Amazing how there are layers of truth: true in Z’s day, true in Jesus time on earth, and true coming up.
Message for now: clearly “return to me.” God intends for our good, even in this time of trouble and shaking.
What we should do : seek God by spending at least 30 minutes a day quiet time. Scripture memory verse: Zec 4:6.
Focus on new understanding of the vision of Joshua, new garments. Joshua, the High Priest of that day and Zerubabel, the secular ruler of that day, served the Lord. So we, as 2 ennd-time companies serve both in the church and in secular vocations. We know about having filthy garments changed, and thoughts protected in a time of lots of confusion and deception.
Focus on the KIND of leadership Jesus, the ultimate Shepherd exerts in the entrance on a donkey, rather than a war horse.
Awesome that we have an important part in the grand drama of the ages. To do: look to Jesus, be kind, do our assignments. This we knew, but now endowed with Spirit and ultimate meaning.

1. Service this Friday at 7:00p. See below for other options.
2. Not able at this time to post the sermon from Zoom. It is possible, but too much time consumption and not very good quality.
3. We are having connectivity issues. I have blazing fast speed and have never had issues until this week. It is clear at this point it is not merely one set of servers. So, let’s all be patient.
I will post the audio only of today’s service, if I can edit out the personal mentions (like who was there and who was not and why.) Let’s pray we are all back together eating well soon. Oops, not good quality and not so easy.

If you come on Zoom, check your mic and speaker, either when you have the option in the entering process. Alternatively, if you in the meeting, notice the up arrow next to the mic symbol on the bar at the bottom of the screen.
Some of us have to select WHICH mic to use.
If you have low bandwidth, then select only audio and don’t try to do visual. If you have visual only, try typing. Notice the bar at the bottom. Notice there is a chat symbol. Select that. Then you will see a column on the right side for chat. Notice at the bottom of that column is a space to write in. Notice that you can write to everybody or to just one person.
If you have visual and are confused,can’t hear, want to agree or not, use sign language. But we should conquer Zoom soon. There are short videos, and good ones, on the Zoom site. There are more on Youtube.

Austin events Blessings Campaign Austin Church growth Comparisons with other religions Controversial Issues Discipleship launch Leadership Replication Maturity Mission

A New and More Biblical Prosperity Gospel — A Call to Commitment to Assignment

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Studying Haggai. There we are in endtime prophecy. The Lord calls the church to repentance, because it has been building its own house and not his.
This is a new and clearly Biblical prosperity teaching. God would like to bless your house, but can’t if you aren’t building His.
There are a lot of people God has called to leadership. But there are leadership tests that need to be passed. Without a commitment to learn, it is pretty hard to be a Christian. Without commitment to work, you are not a leader. Without a commitment to pull together, you can’t be on a team of leaders.
And yes, sure, there are wounds of previous top leaders who didn’t deploy you, but there needs to be a commitment to healing, too. Come to the Lord.
It is a call to commitment, my friends.