Category Archives: Current Events

Controversial Issues Current Events Feasts of Israel Moedim

Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning?

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Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning? Is it legitimate to try to find prophetic meaning in the “Feasts of Israel”  (or better named the “moedim” the appointed times of God)?  Shouldn’t we just take the Scripture at face value? Who is to say what they mean? And then, if we do take any meaning, isn’t that an open door for people to “find” some future prophetic meaning?


In a messianic group I visit this was the question posed. First time it was posed, rather than asserted. As a question, it is worthy of being answered. Are there “types and shadows” in the Bible. Is it legitimate to find allegorical meaning? Do these scripture speak of a time beyond the basic commandment? Is there possibly future prophetic meaning?

We can answer all of these questions surely and definitely, based on the text of the Bible, especially the New Testament. Yes, the Bible itself witnessed to, in clear language, that the Old Testament, the Torah especially, was written with types and shadows in mind. Yes, the Bible itself gives examples of finding allegorical or typological meaning in Scripture, and in the moedim in particular.


Having said that yes, there are prophetic meanings, does not mean that ANY BODY AND ANY interpretation is correct. There is a pattern, a trajectory, and other Scriptures. Standard hermeneutical rules apply. Nevertheless, yes, there are prophetic meanings in the text. And most especially, yes, the feasts do have prophetic meanings — of course!


Scripture is deep. Those who want to reduce it to face value want to do so because they want to control it. They want to justify themselves. Those, who look deeply into Scripture will find more. Think Jesus speaking to the pharisees. Think the Bereans. Love the scripture; love to hear the Spirit; focus on Jesus!  It is all about Jesus. It is not about the law. It is not even about the text, as precious as it is. It is about Jesus. (And  it is not so much about us as it is about Jesus, the Pattern Son.)

Controversial Issues Current Events Holidays Moedim Repentance

Day of Atonement : What is Sin?

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There seems to be quite a lot of confusion about what sin is, how sin is best dealt with, and to what extent gentiles should keep the Mosaic Law. All answered here. And a great time to answer them, as we approach the Day of Atonement.

The Day of Atonement is a moed, an appointed time, one of the “7 feasts of Israel”, and appointment of the people with God.  The Day of Atonement a time to repent, to seek forgiveness of God, to reconcile with God and with others.

I will cover the basic scriptures on this topic from Torah, cover briefly the consensus Jewish thinking and the Chabad/Lubavitcher viewpoint. Then, let’s go into the New Testament about what sin is and how sin is best dealt with.


We should have a great deal of respect and gratitude for Torah and Tanakh, for without them, we could not understand Jesus/Yeshua. On the other hand, we should not trample the greater gift of Jesus/Yeshua.  Nor should we think we, in our unlettered and prideful state are so much smarter than Peter, James, and John, or Paul. Let’s consider what all of these teachers had to say, shall we?

We will find that both in original Hebrew thinking and in New Testament thinking that sin is “missing the mark.”  What mark? For Paul: the glory of God. High mark. So, how would be come up to that bar? Only Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMesiach/Son of God could help us that far up.

This is not rabbinic thought. Nor is it sloppy Christian “messianic”  — shall we say messy legalism.My position is we should have more respect for the Jewish traditions today, more learning about the Torah, and a full understanding of our own New Testament. We get into trouble when the unlearned take part of a Scripture and blithely take away others’ faith. They feel very spiritual and righTeous doing so, but…. the results are very regrettable, first for others who are made worried… but later themselves when they find they have disrespected Jesus.


Today I am most concerned to help concerned Christians back to settled faith, and comfort in the grace of God, after they have been pummeled and battered by ignorant messy-anic folks who want to make them feel guilty because they are not fully keeping the Mosaic law. Sin is much more than merely transgressing the Mosaic Law. It is pretty hard to keep the Mosaic Law. Always was. particularly, now when there is not Temple and no sacrifice.

Sin is bad and we should acknowledge that sin exists. This failure to acknowledge sin is rampant. Sin is foolish, harmful, but also knowing about sin is an opportunity to return to God. Wonderful Hasidic wisdom.  But the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, our wonderful Messiah who is more than we ever imagined, has come and invited us into His own righteousness. This is the wonder. Let’s not overlook that. This is the awesomeness of the sonship message. It is all of grace; it is all of faith; it is not without works.

Controversial Issues Current Events Maturity Moedim Snship Soul winning


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Seeing so much hunger and hearing so little good teaching,  I have posted an audio file on the Feast of Trumpets, more commonly known as Rosh HaShannah. I have defined the Feast of Trumpets, relayed the relevant Scriptures, or most of them, and applied it. The trumpet announces the presence of royalty, war, warning, and worship. Brief discussion of various eschatologies. Invites you to learn more of the Word of God. Equips preachers. Encourages you to worship, service, and evangelism.



When does “the last trump” sound? The Rapture, the Second Coming, or some other time?

Dr. Showers argues that “the last trump” Paul is referring back to I Cor 14 when he mentions a military trumpet. In this case, the last trumpet is the call for men at war to stop fighting, or a watchman to finish his time at post. Either way, “the last trump” means “time of rest.” This makes sense, especially since we have a seen a difference between the last trump and the Great Trumpet.

There is much discussion about the Trumpet of the Rapture being or not being the 7th Trumpet in the book of Revelation. Some people read that the Rapture happens between the letters to the church and what John sees in heaven, making the “come up hither” be the same as the Rapture. At any rate, the idea that the “last trump” is a call to rest works very well with the theme of the Feasts of Trumpets being about preaching in the church age.


Amir Tsarfati gave a wonderful teaching on the timeline on Sept 24th, but marred it by at the very end of the Q&A time calling out and lumping together that Kingdom now and the 7m teaching and those who think they will make things better and thus bring back the Messiah. These camps are not the same, except that they are more optimistic and therefor more willing to grow and work. They have on their side “the Kingdom is within/among you.”

Since I had enjoyed Amir’s teaching that day, I was momentarily confused. I sought God. Here is the scripture that came to me as an answer ; “The wheat and the tares grow together.”  So, yes the world is dark… but that doesn’t mean we have to be pessimistic and throw down our weapons and just wait for a rescue. No.  Now we are the technon, the teenagers. Then we will be like Him: grown son. For we shall see Him as He is. Division in the camp is a trick of the enemy. We need all that the Body has to be a full Body. Each piece has a revelation and they will fit together like a puzzle.

Sam Fife said, correctly, that preaching against error in other camps makes more error.

Okay, so, Sharon, what are you doing? I am preaching truth in my camp, as respectfully as possible. And erring on the respectful side, too, I think. I get attacked for speaking truth, but when I do, I check to be sure I was as loving and soft as possible,  grieve over those who are inclined to attack others, and then I roll my hurt upon Jesus.



CF DO NOT LEAVE QUIETLY by Mario Murillo  This book is an excellent real time application guide for how to “trumpet” in the current situation. We must speak up, for the Lord, for the church, and for ourselves …. just as Paul did when asked to leave the jail in Phillippi .

Here is a similar place to jump in, and a model to follow, of Christian “speaking up” or “trumpeting forth.”

Someone else, more from a political angle, or at least a different faith angle, chimes in: get active.

Hear is a prayer confession offered for our nation. Kenneth Copeland was saying back in 2011 or so that we needed to start voting and getting involved. Now, he has the www.govictory online channel with the FlashPoint show bi-weekly, twice daily news, and election watch shows. Copeland’s theology might not be your cup of tea, but you have to admit that the current criticism against him: that he claimed it was the devil trying to …. “squeal” the election and destroy our children…. is sort of illustrative of his being entirely correct on at least these 2 points.

Controversial Issues Current Events News Sonship

If You Believe in 7M, or Being Salt and Light, Please Consider…

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1. Epoch Times timeline of covid inception

Please note that Epoch Times is the newspaper in the US with the strongest reporting on China, as founder was a participant in the Tianenamen Square protests as a young person.


2. Pastor Joe Sweet summarizes his view of world affairs :
He calls for a spiritual response: groaning in intercession. Has to be heard in entirety to be appreciated.

3. Chavda Ministries this past Friday “Watch of the Lord” Night Prayer Service and Sunday Morning Service

Pastors Chavda also mention world affairs and spiritual response, issuing often in practical response. (For instance, Pastor Bonnie mobilized pastors in Charlotte to dialog with gangs in Charlotte and thus averted the planned riots there.)


If you want a church that addresses local, national and world affairs
is a real community
works on following Word and Spirit,
then, please contact us.

Mature sonship must be servantship, issuing from the Word and Will and mandate of God. Sonship is Spirit and Word led servantship especially in the worst of times. Are you an aspiring Esther, brought to the Kingdom for such a time as this? Are you an Elijah who needs a rest? Are you a Gideon, who has a jawbone? Let us know, if you want some fellowship.

Controversial Issues Current Events Healing Maturity Prayer Sonship Worship

What would it mean to be like Jesus?

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Very surprisingly, I have never heard or seen someone take the life of Jesus, and make a list of what he did and apply that to what maybe we should do. Wow!

What would it mean to be like Jesus? It takes a real step-up of faith to consider that we might be perfected, but we also have to  consider what Jesus was like! …. oooooh and is like! Wow!

Okay, so let’s try that.  Let’s go down the list and find out what would it mean to be like Jesus?

  1. First, he was a obedient, good child, learned the Torah, took care of his family. Check. I think the church knows this.
  2. He got baptized, answered his calling, and went to the wilderness to pray.  Okay. First, Wesley and most people who believe we might be holy believe that would be on the basis of prayer and worship. A few people are following this. One group I know of focused on obedience, submission and going to the wilderness to heighten that. Interesting. That has been done. Maybe everyone needs a wilderness experience to overcome their own personal demons.
  3. Then Jesus began his ministry, proclaiming : “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”  There are few people willing to lead prayers of repentance. There are a few people willing to preach Kingdom.
  4. Then he went out healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and raising the dead, doing good, releasing people from the bondage of the devil. Some of the church has a vision of this. We have a lot of work to do.
  5. Jesus went to the cross and raised again. This is not to be repeated in order to earn our salvation. We identify with Him in His death, burial and resurrection. We signify that we we are baptized. However, we should arm ourselves with that mindset. We live for others. We find that is a glorious, fulfilling life. We were meant for this.
  6. One more thing. Jesus said, “greater works than these.”  What would that be?  We are not yet to the “healed them all” yet. Jesus did that; he healed all who came to him.  So far, I don’t think we are having many meetings were everyone gets healed. People are being raised from the dead mostly in Africa, but I have heard of an instance hear.
  7.  But what would greater works be?  Kingdom fulfillment — on a wide scale.  Not just a soul here or there, but systemic salvation, love and peace. Ultimate good. Imagine that. Eden restored — or better, even grown up.
  8. We, like him, come on a colt, a foal. He will come one day as Judge on a White Horse; God will let us know. For now, we still come as suffering servants with healing in our hands, in sheepfolds, in carpenter shops, and in cesear’s household.

It is a great mystery, a great revelation.   I invite you. It makes all of life meaningful, rich, better than anything else.

Controversial Issues Current Events Holy Spirit guidance Questions and Answers

Election Explanation and Rapture News

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Johnny Enlow is one of the prophets that predicted that Trump would have a second term, in sucession. And stayed with it.  He now says, like Lance Wallnau, we should turn our effort to practical measures.  He offers a new perspective on the Rapture. I notice that it too, is very realistic given what I see around me, especially with respect to the unwise vaccination acceptation. I am looking for a way to regularly pray with you. What platform or time/place would you like? I am also considering a large covid teach-in with stats, etc. Let me know your interest.


In Case You Missed It…
Recent Posts from Johnny Enlow  have been posting a little less often about holding the line on the governmental matter we are standing for as we continue to believe God and His prophets. I have done so because once we get established that we are believing God to do His part, we all want to make sure we are doing our part. We tried fasting, praying, and going into the courts of heaven etc.—at an all-time record pace—to get this shift done and it didn’t get accomplished that way. This “failure” was designed by God so that we embrace a major paradigm change. We START with fasting, praying, decreeing, declaring, courts of heaven etc.—but we must get PRACTICALLY INVOLVED as citizens.

We have to very PRACTICALLY resist the overreach of government at all levels. With the constitutional, bill of rights violations, the masks, the vacks, with its weaponry of the cdc, the bought media, the bought big tech, etc. We need ekklesia participation as salt and light at every level. No more ignoring city councils, mayoral elections, sheriff elections, and all other local political positions. We need to be making citizen calls, campaign, vote, advise, make our voice heard on social media, etc. The “church” could skip going to a church building for a year (as perhaps most already have) and we would be much better served being active in society. WE would be better served and the Kingdom of God would be better served. No more of the virus of “endtimesitis” (i.e. Jesus is coming any second) that has dominated the church for 2000 years and made us scarily irrelevant. We have just undergone the conclusive proof that we have overvalued church-building participation and undervalued societal-participation (the ekklesia’s seven mountain mandate). This course correction and paradigm shift is being driven by the pain of the delay of being rescued by any other means.

As Jesus said, “if the salt loses its (societal) savor” it will be cast out and trampled upon. We are a massive majority but have been terribly asleep. I am convinced that God is 100% in control of the timing of when He does the bigger thing He is about to do, but I am also convinced that His delays are directly tied into the pain He knows we need to feel to properly wake up and never fall asleep again. We let the criminals take all the seven mountains of all the nations of the world while we were the Titanic band that played on and on…”Jesus is coming any moment.” Jesus is, in fact, coming back sooner than He was going to yesterday, but if we miss the assignment given us before then, we will experience a Titanic catastrophe and not the return of Jesus. Bad things happening don’t make Jesus’ return—completed kingdom assignments do. He said “occupy” until I return and not “speculate” until I return. May an “occupying” anointing be released across this and all nations of the world.

-Johnny Enlow

This Present Rapture

For those looking forward to “the rapture” we are actually going through a powerful one right now. It is “the rapture” described in Proverbs 2:21, 22.

“For the upright will dwell in the land, and the blameless will remain in it; But the wicked will be cut off from the earth, And the unfaithful will be uprooted from it.”

If you didn’t like that New King James Version of the Bible, let’s now read it in the New Living Translation.

“For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain. But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the treacherous will be uprooted.”

If that wasn’t “the rapture” you were hoping for at this time, go ahead and make the adjustment. This rapture is about THE TREACHEROUS BEING UPROOTED. For the rest of you/us the assignment is REMAIN and REMAIN WITH INTEGRITY. BE the preserving SALT of the earth. BE the darkness-expelling LIGHT of the world.

-Johnny Enlow

Current Events Healing Holidays Sonship

Answer to Covid-19 Hidden in Purim Story

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Several things in the Purim story (Esther, Mordecai and Haman) are very prophetic. What I noticed today is that the King himself didn’t undo the bad decree, but let Esther and Mordecai head up the routing of Haman’s plans. The King, however, did take care of Haman, who died on his own gallows.

We were told by more than one prophet that there would be a shaking this spring. The world is certainly shaken by the covid-19 corona virus. It is proving a great time for China’s people and government to see how helpful the Christians have been, risking their lives to help others, identified in yellow jackets. It would be a great time for Christians here to prove themselves helpful: non-fearful, non-greedy, and compassionate. Certainly, many are calling us to prayer. Many have urged more prudence than the governments and official medical folks are offering. I always have a virus protocol, scientifically cited on my site (a list of supplements like garlics and over the counter sometimes very counter-intuitive things). Dr. Braverman and Dr. Gabriel Cousens are circulating their suggestions (hydration and essential oils and homepathics respectively). Perry Stone ended his prayer meeting tonight with some basic ways to build up immunity including Vitamin C and Vitamin D and elderberry juice. More than one of us have remembered John G. Lake’s experience helping in the plague in South Africa. Plague germs would die when they touched him — verified under a microscope.

Let’s us stand up as sons and daughters of God and be like Jesus. If our immunity is built up as much as John G Lake’s good, but whatever level we are, let us pick up the weapons and gifts we have — and not lay them slack on the ground mesmerized and paralyzed by the enemy. No! We remember the heart of what we were about: Jesus. We follow Jesus. Let’s do what Jesus would do. Amen.

Blessings of health, healing, wholeness, wisdom and God’s peace be to you, yours, your city and your nation. Amen.