Category Archives: Controversial Issues

Controversial Issues Current Events Leadership

This Christmas, We Consider The Importance of Children

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Controversial Issues Discipleship Holy Spirit guidance Perfection Prayer

You Can Ask… the Lord… And Get an Answer

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You CAN ask.. the Lord… and get an answer. Now that is really good news. Unlike the “you can ask” I got from some woman, when it was evident both that I knew and that I could NOT ask the authorities…. who didn’t know, showed that… and thus would have been highly insecure and offended and dangerous for being “asked’!  But this, no, this is a revelation. I got it from some guy teaching Sunday school. He asked God about his walk with the Lord! How wonderful!

In so many situations, we need direction. And who can give it to us? The Lord God is the one who knows. The Lord God Holy Spirit is the one sent to teach us. Let’s ask!


Austin events Bible Study Controversial Issues Current Events Politics Questions and Answers

What Does Christian Nationalism Mean?

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Second in our little series on what the Bible says about government, I answer the question, “What does ‘Christian Nationalism’ mean?” It is an important question for sure. At the end of our first face to face teaching session, on of the gentleman asked, and very insistently. The answer is “it depends.”  But! yes, it depends upon who is speaking.

Basically, it is an accusation, based on projection, that Christians want to control  the government from the far right. Of course, that is silly, comical, preposterous — and demonstrably false from the founding of this nation until today. Christians, by contrast, tend to stay out of the political arena. When they are adept and at the center of it, such as in the founding days, they work very clearly and competently to keep the discussion and the general political area open to diversity of opinions. That is why America was founded the way it was: with freedom of religion and freedom of speech first. With no establishment of religion. Because the people in the majority were Biblical Christians, and having known persecution from the Anglican and Roman churches, were not willing to engage in it themselves.

However, given this charge by authoritarian communists and world controllists, common Americans with either first or second naivete, have taken up the claim and called themselves Christian Nationalists.  Just like Christians and Methodists used the moniker that was meant to cast aspersions upon them. Some people will say, “Yes. I am a Christian. And yes, I am a patriot.”

But what about dominionism? What about the NAR?  Listen, I have all the answers for you.

And please share with you friends.

And, btw, apologies for late posting. We have had , indeed still have a very difficult situation of connection to the internet, molasses slow loading, and an impossibility of uploading. Please pray for this ministry to overcome these challenges.

Austin events Bible Study Controversial Issues Current Events Government Politics Questions and Answers

7 Mountains Apologia

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Finishing up our series on what the Bible has to say about government, let’s talk about this new idea, 7-mountains. The basic concept is also called, in different circles, “the cultural mandate.”  Given the perspective of those I know, this is an important topic to discuss when we consider how we should interface with society and with government. So often, conservative Christians,  pentecostals especially, and women, just thought they should stay out of politics. By contrast, some fundamentalist Baptists or conservative Reformed folks seem to hold political views co-terminus with theology. Both groups have, in my hearing, questioned this 7 Mountain Mandate talk. On the other hand, my Spirit-filled educated friends are thrilled with the opening of the door to application of Christian life, of Spirit, and of Bible, to all of life. They often felt stifled and hemmed in in the lower middle class perspective of separation defined as not getting involved, and simply staying quiet in a corner.

I can hear people get offended as I state this clearly and precisely. Read it again. Admit it. The upper middle class, mainline folks were in charge of civics and politics in the 1950s and 1960s. Since then, increasingly the secularist and socialists have been in ascendancy. But in the ’50s and ’60s, conservative Christians eschewed both education and civic involvement. With the advent of the charismatic movement more educated people joined these churches and adopted this theology. That portion of the church expanded its market share steadily. At the same time, these churches, along with their SES segments, experienced great economic growth.

In this century, however, growth slowed, and communists (meaning authoritarian socialists) arose to prominence in the marketplace of ideas as in politics. Socialism took a stronger hold in the mainline churches. The most conservative churches split off, but struggled for direction, carrying with them more leftest ideas than they realized. At the same time, pentecostal churches fell back into their ways. Word of Faith continued to grow and are a home for middle class pentecostal/charismatics. The upper middle class tended to search for a home mostly in the Apostolic and Prophetic movements, precisely the sector most likely to accept the 7 Mountain Mandate. Why? because they needed faith direction for vocation and civic engagement.

Then, the question arose: is this Biblical? Because neither of the two promoters of the 7 Mountain Message are either theologians or professional sociologists (tho both have in-depth Bible knowledge, and tremendous practical insight (one in management and the other I judge as a pastoral sociologist) — and both have a great following among business and government leaders — no apologia has been made. Detractors have popped up. So, here is the answer: yes: The 7 Mountain Message is Biblical and theologically orthodox.

Listen, and I will tell  you why.

While the last post was about 10 days late because of technical issues with uploading to the podcast platform, this episode is about a month early. Normally, this would be our June installment of our study on what the Bible says about government and politics. However, coincidentally, Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow have been able to publish their long-awaited documentary. So, since I had this made, and was successful at getting it uploaded, I decided to go ahead and publish it.


Other links/background

Hmm, although posting more links always helps ranking, I think I will refrain from embarrassing the recent detractors.

Also, although I have in the past spent A LOT of time posting links to books in, since I can no longer shop there because I will not tolerate the forcing of Prime, alas. Anyway, both Wallnau and the Enlow s have books. Enjoy.


addition: Oh! Lance posted mention of “dominionism” today:


Bible Study Controversial Issues Current Events Holy Spirit guidance Leadership Sam Fife's Body of Christ Move of God Sonship

The Government of God

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Here is a new perspective on the Government of God, different from what we were used to hearing in “The Move of God.” I think it is more in line with growing to maturity that what we have heard, and a good deal less tyrannical.

The government of God is aimed at being primarily self-governance, directly under God, through the Holy Spirit. The more self governance one has, the less family government one needs, and the more family government one has, the less church government one needs, and it all of that is working well, then one needs very little civil government indeed.

Notice, that this is different from other systems. One would put church government over all, substituting themselves even for God. Another would put civil government overall, again substituting themselves over all. This is upside down. And evil.

This was constructed for the sonship discussion, but may be useful for anyone interested in topics relating to Bible and government.

Austin events Bible Study Controversial Issues HIlter

Study on How the Bible Relates to Culture and Politics Today – monthly in Round Rock, Texas

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I was at a couple of meetings this past week and between us we could not name a single pastor who would address issues of the day, from Jarrell, Georgetown, Round Rock, or Cedar Park. Therefore, I was asked if I would lead such a study. Of course! So we had our organizational meeting today. Here is the plan: we will meet every 2nd Saturday at 4:00 pm in Round Rock. You must call, leave your name, phone number and email in order to get the location. This is aimed at straining out those who would make trouble. Anyone is welcomed who wants to come and learn. People who act in an illegal, dangerous fashion will face the police. Preferrably we will not face that. So call and leave a message at 512-534-5425.

Topics may include:

  1. Dominion(ism): What the Bible says, what theologIES say, and what the Leftists say we say.
  2. The Importance of Words And How Political Correctness is Being used to Steer Society
  3. The 7 Mountain Teaching: Biblical?Good?Bad?
  4. How to Talk to Infected Youth, How to Get Your Pastor Involved.
  5. Government of God
  6. Romans 13: Does it mean that we must obey ungodly orders?
  7. Is this a Christian nation?
  8. Metaxas’ Letter to the American Church
  9. Lutzer’s books warning Americans based on history of church in Germany during rise of Hitler

Let’s work up to a stable group, large enough to invite guest speakers.

Okay, Sharon, but why do you think you are the right person? Besides that fact that there is a great need and no one else will do it? Maybe because I have a Master’s Degree in Divinity, have a broad understanding of a wide range of theologies and denominational viewpoints, and a Master’s in Sociology, with a long history of running fair and balanced discussions? Well, maybe because at Lifetime Learning Institute, when I taught comparative religions, at the end of the semester, I was given a standing ovation for finishing without a fist-fight or even a quarrel. Or maybe because I am a nut case with already too many things to do.

So, here is the deal. I will teach/facilitate discussion. But YOU must bring people. Next meeting: April 13th 4:00p. Please let me know you are coming, because I have 3 other places to be that day!

Disclaimer: this meeting is open to all, and is not necessarily related to any other JesusNameAustion initiative. You are welcomed to disagree: you will be encouraged to think; you will not be permitted to endanger anyone. Thanks y’all!


Controversial Issues

Statement on War in Israel

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Our hearts go out to those who have been ruthlessless, senseless, and illegally attacked. We are okay with the US doing what it can to prevent escalation. We do not want world war, and fear that either this is a trap or that in any case globalist controllist will use it as such.

Check out these wise words:


1. Don’t permit yourself to be sucked in by emotional rhetoric. Keep your wits about  you. Seek evidence for any claims. Don’t say and so stupid things. Don’t support those who lie and urge the doing of stupid things.

2. In your calculations, do not assume that everyone thinks like you do. Those in the Judeo-Christian tradition assume an default to truthtelling and altruism that others do not. Western civilization subscribes to the theory of Just War (including fighting only against milatary not civilians), but others may not.

3. Also, check out history. Robert Barnes (  and Viva Frie on Rumble)  has had some good teaching on the history of the M$sl*m Brotherhood and other descendant groups, and how they have fought against rulers, autocrats, democracies and currently no one more than the democratic, pluralistic state of *sra3l. Stop listening to people who have fairly consistently lied to you in the past, and listen to other voices, particularly those who have a higher likelihood of being correct.

4. Ask if the claims that Americans are making even make sense, or if they are a contradiction in terms.

5.  Head on a swivel. The religious leader in Ir*an has asked for this J>h*d to be world-wide. Protect yourself and others.

(France and Denmark is burning and not Switzerland. Some states have had some violence, but the South and Western states not so much — even tho they have had demonstrations. THINK ABOUT IT.

While the US is not currently officialy at war.  However, General Flynn says we are in a state of war with China, because they are covertly attacking us.)

Blessings Controversial Issues Current Events Feasts of Israel Holy Spirit guidance Perfection Sonship Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles – NOW! Wow!

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Today we define and explain the original Feast of Tabernacles, also called the Feast of Booths, or Sukkoth.  We talked about how Jesus fulfilled this feast also, in being Emmanuel, God with us. We talk about the not yet of the prophetic meaning of the end-times.  That eschatological means is proleptic: both now and not yet. The real point is the real walking out spiritually now. It is one thing to say that, but what does that look like? How is it done?

Answer: It looks like Jesus. And what was his first foot forward?  And How is it done? The inner work of laying it all on the altar. Oh my goodness … old words with disappointment on them. Check out this episode. I have new revelation — at least it was for me. It is right there in the text: the sacrifices, the rest, the deliverance from slavery.  That is a picture of the FEAST of TABERNACLES.

Please hear; please share.

Conference (that was mentioned) website:

Controversial Issues Current Events Feasts of Israel Moedim

Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning?

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Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning? Is it legitimate to try to find prophetic meaning in the “Feasts of Israel”  (or better named the “moedim” the appointed times of God)?  Shouldn’t we just take the Scripture at face value? Who is to say what they mean? And then, if we do take any meaning, isn’t that an open door for people to “find” some future prophetic meaning?


In a messianic group I visit this was the question posed. First time it was posed, rather than asserted. As a question, it is worthy of being answered. Are there “types and shadows” in the Bible. Is it legitimate to find allegorical meaning? Do these scripture speak of a time beyond the basic commandment? Is there possibly future prophetic meaning?

We can answer all of these questions surely and definitely, based on the text of the Bible, especially the New Testament. Yes, the Bible itself witnessed to, in clear language, that the Old Testament, the Torah especially, was written with types and shadows in mind. Yes, the Bible itself gives examples of finding allegorical or typological meaning in Scripture, and in the moedim in particular.


Having said that yes, there are prophetic meanings, does not mean that ANY BODY AND ANY interpretation is correct. There is a pattern, a trajectory, and other Scriptures. Standard hermeneutical rules apply. Nevertheless, yes, there are prophetic meanings in the text. And most especially, yes, the feasts do have prophetic meanings — of course!


Scripture is deep. Those who want to reduce it to face value want to do so because they want to control it. They want to justify themselves. Those, who look deeply into Scripture will find more. Think Jesus speaking to the pharisees. Think the Bereans. Love the scripture; love to hear the Spirit; focus on Jesus!  It is all about Jesus. It is not about the law. It is not even about the text, as precious as it is. It is about Jesus. (And  it is not so much about us as it is about Jesus, the Pattern Son.)

Controversial Issues Current Events Holidays Moedim Repentance

Day of Atonement : What is Sin?

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There seems to be quite a lot of confusion about what sin is, how sin is best dealt with, and to what extent gentiles should keep the Mosaic Law. All answered here. And a great time to answer them, as we approach the Day of Atonement.

The Day of Atonement is a moed, an appointed time, one of the “7 feasts of Israel”, and appointment of the people with God.  The Day of Atonement a time to repent, to seek forgiveness of God, to reconcile with God and with others.

I will cover the basic scriptures on this topic from Torah, cover briefly the consensus Jewish thinking and the Chabad/Lubavitcher viewpoint. Then, let’s go into the New Testament about what sin is and how sin is best dealt with.


We should have a great deal of respect and gratitude for Torah and Tanakh, for without them, we could not understand Jesus/Yeshua. On the other hand, we should not trample the greater gift of Jesus/Yeshua.  Nor should we think we, in our unlettered and prideful state are so much smarter than Peter, James, and John, or Paul. Let’s consider what all of these teachers had to say, shall we?

We will find that both in original Hebrew thinking and in New Testament thinking that sin is “missing the mark.”  What mark? For Paul: the glory of God. High mark. So, how would be come up to that bar? Only Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMesiach/Son of God could help us that far up.

This is not rabbinic thought. Nor is it sloppy Christian “messianic”  — shall we say messy legalism.My position is we should have more respect for the Jewish traditions today, more learning about the Torah, and a full understanding of our own New Testament. We get into trouble when the unlearned take part of a Scripture and blithely take away others’ faith. They feel very spiritual and righTeous doing so, but…. the results are very regrettable, first for others who are made worried… but later themselves when they find they have disrespected Jesus.


Today I am most concerned to help concerned Christians back to settled faith, and comfort in the grace of God, after they have been pummeled and battered by ignorant messy-anic folks who want to make them feel guilty because they are not fully keeping the Mosaic law. Sin is much more than merely transgressing the Mosaic Law. It is pretty hard to keep the Mosaic Law. Always was. particularly, now when there is not Temple and no sacrifice.

Sin is bad and we should acknowledge that sin exists. This failure to acknowledge sin is rampant. Sin is foolish, harmful, but also knowing about sin is an opportunity to return to God. Wonderful Hasidic wisdom.  But the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, our wonderful Messiah who is more than we ever imagined, has come and invited us into His own righteousness. This is the wonder. Let’s not overlook that. This is the awesomeness of the sonship message. It is all of grace; it is all of faith; it is not without works.