Jesus Pattern Son » March 14, 2020

Daily Archives: March 14, 2020

Austin events launch Prayer


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After some deliberation and prayer, it has been decided that we are going to switch to meeting at my house. This should take care of folks who need to not be in germ’s way and keep up appropriately private, etc. We had hoped to make this move in a few weeks anyway.

However, even though I do not live here alone and even though it is a safe neighborhood, I do not want to put the address on the internet. Please email me for the address. We meet at 9:30. Tommorrow we will have something like breakfast type refreshments. In future, we will attempt a potluck.

Oh, we have exciting times. I am very encouraged. Revival is upon us. HalleluJah.

Agenda: Did you know that Purim just happened? I think this is very prophetic in regard to current events. The President of the USA and Franklin Graham, and Pastor Mahesh Chavda have all asked us to join in the National Day of Prayer (of repentance on behalf of the nation and asking God’s mercy and help facing covid-19) and this we will do. We have not forgotten that we are in a series studying the Holy Spirit. So it will be a great morning.

Please make every effort to come. We are in the beginning days of this congregation and of a great move of God. You will want to say you were there. Indeed, you want to be here.



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One would have thought it would be some time before we could announce we have a youth group. Maybe some time after that, when we know these youth, we could announce a trip. A great trip would be to Warrior Fest at Omega Center International in Cleveland TN, hosted by Perry Stone. Lots of kids get saved, delivered from things like drugs and cigarettes, and many more get encouraged in their Christian walk at Warrior Fest. But it is a big deal to travel across the county.

But HA! since We have been asked not to have large gatherings, so Brother Stone has announced that Warrior Fest will be online. Free! Ha! So may revival spread infinitely.

And since that is the case, I am announcing we are partnering with the effort. HAHA. So if you have any young people, encourage them to watch. We will post at least one link here. Probably there will be sessions on Facebook, but OCI has streaming on their site. I would say go to and look for a red button on the upper right hand “watch live.”

Now, if we can get together some young people, I would be happy to host them at my house. Let’s keep our eye out for youth. It is temping to talk just to folks who are looking like they already understand the value of Bible study, but if we listen and look, Holy Spirit will lead us to people who need help and would like to understand the value of Bible study.

What satan meant for evil, God will use for good. Who knew that there would be a great revival when everyone stayed home?! HAHA!