Category Archives: Sonship

Bible Study Love of God Perfection Prosperity Sonship

God Loves You, Gives You…. ALL THINGS…. WHAT??? No, that is not what we were told.

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God Loves Us!

Wow! Huge revelation to me! Right there in John 3! A doctrine that I wondered about for a long long time. A shaft of light that set me free from the worst of the Move. Here it is, aimed at my Move-informed friends.

Posperity Gospel

God Loves You, Gives You…. ALL THINGS…. WHAT??? No, that is not what we were told.We were told that we were called to a life of death, of laying down the Christ life, of poverty, and no enjoyment. We were led to believe anyone who preached like this must be heart hardened and materialistic.

Quite aside from the possibility that some who preach prosperity are materialistic, what does the Bible really say? I unpack the Scripture today, from face value and what Holy Spirit illumined to me. I get personal, in hopes that it will help other Move and ex-Move friends.

Please let me Hear From You — Accepting Preaching Engagements

Please let me hear from you. I have pretty much fulfilled my God-given assignment of re-preaching the sonship message. I expected to get a lot more response. Actually, I expected to get lots of hate from those whose income, even if paltry, comes from the power they get in the Move. Maybe I have avoided that? Maybe not quite? Or maybe I have avoided any notice at all. LOL.  Well, please tell me if I am helping you.

Please reach out for preaching engagements, as well.  Limited time budget, as I am asked to speak and consult elsewhere, so please invite me quickly.

I have other projects and may move on if I don’t hear from you.  The ox shouldn’t be starved. And the worker should not all her life do more than 2 people could do! LOL  We are meant to share.

Bible Study Controversial Issues Current Events Holy Spirit guidance Leadership Sam Fife's Body of Christ Move of God Sonship

The Government of God

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Here is a new perspective on the Government of God, different from what we were used to hearing in “The Move of God.” I think it is more in line with growing to maturity that what we have heard, and a good deal less tyrannical.

The government of God is aimed at being primarily self-governance, directly under God, through the Holy Spirit. The more self governance one has, the less family government one needs, and the more family government one has, the less church government one needs, and it all of that is working well, then one needs very little civil government indeed.

Notice, that this is different from other systems. One would put church government over all, substituting themselves even for God. Another would put civil government overall, again substituting themselves over all. This is upside down. And evil.

This was constructed for the sonship discussion, but may be useful for anyone interested in topics relating to Bible and government.

HIlter Sonship

The Churches’ Experience in Hitler’s Time : Losing or Finding Life

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This is the 3rd and last installment in our fullsome review of Erwin Lutzer’s Hitler’s Cross. In earlier episodes, we saw what Hitler’s intention way. He was being deception, pushing the church out of the picture. Most of the church cooperated. Some did not. They were called “The Confessing Church.” Many of those pastors couldn’t stay true once the Gestapo pressured them.

We talk about Neimoller and Bonhoeffer’s response. Neimoller went to the concentration camp, but was alive when the Allies liberated it. Bonhoeffer was executed weeks before Hitler died. What is so central about the Christian gospel that people would die for it?

Indeed, we are called to come and die. But those who lose their lives, find it. Those who saved it, lost it.

Let’s consider how this applies to us today. In similar situation.

No one more than those who aspire to being sons of God must think about this: both to avoid the fate of Hitler as well as to aspire to the fate of these saints who continued faithful to the confession of Jesus Christ.


Blessings Controversial Issues Current Events Feasts of Israel Holy Spirit guidance Perfection Sonship Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles – NOW! Wow!

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Today we define and explain the original Feast of Tabernacles, also called the Feast of Booths, or Sukkoth.  We talked about how Jesus fulfilled this feast also, in being Emmanuel, God with us. We talk about the not yet of the prophetic meaning of the end-times.  That eschatological means is proleptic: both now and not yet. The real point is the real walking out spiritually now. It is one thing to say that, but what does that look like? How is it done?

Answer: It looks like Jesus. And what was his first foot forward?  And How is it done? The inner work of laying it all on the altar. Oh my goodness … old words with disappointment on them. Check out this episode. I have new revelation — at least it was for me. It is right there in the text: the sacrifices, the rest, the deliverance from slavery.  That is a picture of the FEAST of TABERNACLES.

Please hear; please share.

Conference (that was mentioned) website:

Controversial Issues Current Events News Sonship

If You Believe in 7M, or Being Salt and Light, Please Consider…

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1. Epoch Times timeline of covid inception

Please note that Epoch Times is the newspaper in the US with the strongest reporting on China, as founder was a participant in the Tianenamen Square protests as a young person.


2. Pastor Joe Sweet summarizes his view of world affairs :
He calls for a spiritual response: groaning in intercession. Has to be heard in entirety to be appreciated.

3. Chavda Ministries this past Friday “Watch of the Lord” Night Prayer Service and Sunday Morning Service

Pastors Chavda also mention world affairs and spiritual response, issuing often in practical response. (For instance, Pastor Bonnie mobilized pastors in Charlotte to dialog with gangs in Charlotte and thus averted the planned riots there.)


If you want a church that addresses local, national and world affairs
is a real community
works on following Word and Spirit,
then, please contact us.

Mature sonship must be servantship, issuing from the Word and Will and mandate of God. Sonship is Spirit and Word led servantship especially in the worst of times. Are you an aspiring Esther, brought to the Kingdom for such a time as this? Are you an Elijah who needs a rest? Are you a Gideon, who has a jawbone? Let us know, if you want some fellowship.

Controversial Issues Current Events Healing Maturity Prayer Sonship Worship

What would it mean to be like Jesus?

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Very surprisingly, I have never heard or seen someone take the life of Jesus, and make a list of what he did and apply that to what maybe we should do. Wow!

What would it mean to be like Jesus? It takes a real step-up of faith to consider that we might be perfected, but we also have to  consider what Jesus was like! …. oooooh and is like! Wow!

Okay, so let’s try that.  Let’s go down the list and find out what would it mean to be like Jesus?

  1. First, he was a obedient, good child, learned the Torah, took care of his family. Check. I think the church knows this.
  2. He got baptized, answered his calling, and went to the wilderness to pray.  Okay. First, Wesley and most people who believe we might be holy believe that would be on the basis of prayer and worship. A few people are following this. One group I know of focused on obedience, submission and going to the wilderness to heighten that. Interesting. That has been done. Maybe everyone needs a wilderness experience to overcome their own personal demons.
  3. Then Jesus began his ministry, proclaiming : “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”  There are few people willing to lead prayers of repentance. There are a few people willing to preach Kingdom.
  4. Then he went out healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and raising the dead, doing good, releasing people from the bondage of the devil. Some of the church has a vision of this. We have a lot of work to do.
  5. Jesus went to the cross and raised again. This is not to be repeated in order to earn our salvation. We identify with Him in His death, burial and resurrection. We signify that we we are baptized. However, we should arm ourselves with that mindset. We live for others. We find that is a glorious, fulfilling life. We were meant for this.
  6. One more thing. Jesus said, “greater works than these.”  What would that be?  We are not yet to the “healed them all” yet. Jesus did that; he healed all who came to him.  So far, I don’t think we are having many meetings were everyone gets healed. People are being raised from the dead mostly in Africa, but I have heard of an instance hear.
  7.  But what would greater works be?  Kingdom fulfillment — on a wide scale.  Not just a soul here or there, but systemic salvation, love and peace. Ultimate good. Imagine that. Eden restored — or better, even grown up.
  8. We, like him, come on a colt, a foal. He will come one day as Judge on a White Horse; God will let us know. For now, we still come as suffering servants with healing in our hands, in sheepfolds, in carpenter shops, and in cesear’s household.

It is a great mystery, a great revelation.   I invite you. It makes all of life meaningful, rich, better than anything else.

Current Events Healing Holidays Sonship

Answer to Covid-19 Hidden in Purim Story

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Several things in the Purim story (Esther, Mordecai and Haman) are very prophetic. What I noticed today is that the King himself didn’t undo the bad decree, but let Esther and Mordecai head up the routing of Haman’s plans. The King, however, did take care of Haman, who died on his own gallows.

We were told by more than one prophet that there would be a shaking this spring. The world is certainly shaken by the covid-19 corona virus. It is proving a great time for China’s people and government to see how helpful the Christians have been, risking their lives to help others, identified in yellow jackets. It would be a great time for Christians here to prove themselves helpful: non-fearful, non-greedy, and compassionate. Certainly, many are calling us to prayer. Many have urged more prudence than the governments and official medical folks are offering. I always have a virus protocol, scientifically cited on my site (a list of supplements like garlics and over the counter sometimes very counter-intuitive things). Dr. Braverman and Dr. Gabriel Cousens are circulating their suggestions (hydration and essential oils and homepathics respectively). Perry Stone ended his prayer meeting tonight with some basic ways to build up immunity including Vitamin C and Vitamin D and elderberry juice. More than one of us have remembered John G. Lake’s experience helping in the plague in South Africa. Plague germs would die when they touched him — verified under a microscope.

Let’s us stand up as sons and daughters of God and be like Jesus. If our immunity is built up as much as John G Lake’s good, but whatever level we are, let us pick up the weapons and gifts we have — and not lay them slack on the ground mesmerized and paralyzed by the enemy. No! We remember the heart of what we were about: Jesus. We follow Jesus. Let’s do what Jesus would do. Amen.

Blessings of health, healing, wholeness, wisdom and God’s peace be to you, yours, your city and your nation. Amen.

Leadership Replication Maturity Perfection Sonship

Vilification or Evil Speaking – Prominent Topic for Aspiring Sons

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One of John Wesley’s most famous sermons was “The Cure of Evil Speaking.” “Evil speaking” comes from Ephesians 4: 31. Wesley translated it “vilification.” Modern Americans might say informally “speaking bad about a brother or sister in the Lord.” Wesley’s cure was Matthew 18. Once one considers the matter, one is given a great and important insight.

We know that our words matter. However, this is a point, this speaking ill of other sons/daughters that has been overlooked, forgotten, not understood, or intentionally perverted.  Far from being the ideal management tool, it is sin tantamount to blasphemy! This is vital information for any who are intending ( or eve were once intending) to mature into the Sons/’Uios of God.

Maturity Sonship

“Sons of God” shows up in Scripture

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WOW! I recently found out that ” ‘uois” the Greek work for mature sons shows up in Scripture 7 times. AMAZING. And with all the preaching I have heard on sonship doctrine, I never heard this. Have you? If you are new to sonship doctrine, this will establish what is up — that there are …

Well, I will get back to you on that. there might be more.

Anyway, let’s study those instances I did find.

Perfection Sonship

Certain Method for How to Become a Son of God

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Right. So, if sons of God exist, then how do we become a son of God? Isn’t that the most vital question? Right there in Matthew 5:48, Jesus tells us. Never have I heard this preached on. Never. Never have I even heard the question asked: how? by what method? But isn’t that the most important question?

So, what is the answer? How about looking right in the text and see Jesus’ answer?