Category Archives: Tabernacles

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Feast of Tabernacles – NOW! Wow!

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Today we define and explain the original Feast of Tabernacles, also called the Feast of Booths, or Sukkoth.  We talked about how Jesus fulfilled this feast also, in being Emmanuel, God with us. We talk about the not yet of the prophetic meaning of the end-times.  That eschatological means is proleptic: both now and not yet. The real point is the real walking out spiritually now. It is one thing to say that, but what does that look like? How is it done?

Answer: It looks like Jesus. And what was his first foot forward?  And How is it done? The inner work of laying it all on the altar. Oh my goodness … old words with disappointment on them. Check out this episode. I have new revelation — at least it was for me. It is right there in the text: the sacrifices, the rest, the deliverance from slavery.  That is a picture of the FEAST of TABERNACLES.

Please hear; please share.

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