Category Archives: Maturity

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Seeing so much hunger and hearing so little good teaching,  I have posted an audio file on the Feast of Trumpets, more commonly known as Rosh HaShannah. I have defined the Feast of Trumpets, relayed the relevant Scriptures, or most of them, and applied it. The trumpet announces the presence of royalty, war, warning, and worship. Brief discussion of various eschatologies. Invites you to learn more of the Word of God. Equips preachers. Encourages you to worship, service, and evangelism.



When does “the last trump” sound? The Rapture, the Second Coming, or some other time?

Dr. Showers argues that “the last trump” Paul is referring back to I Cor 14 when he mentions a military trumpet. In this case, the last trumpet is the call for men at war to stop fighting, or a watchman to finish his time at post. Either way, “the last trump” means “time of rest.” This makes sense, especially since we have a seen a difference between the last trump and the Great Trumpet.

There is much discussion about the Trumpet of the Rapture being or not being the 7th Trumpet in the book of Revelation. Some people read that the Rapture happens between the letters to the church and what John sees in heaven, making the “come up hither” be the same as the Rapture. At any rate, the idea that the “last trump” is a call to rest works very well with the theme of the Feasts of Trumpets being about preaching in the church age.


Amir Tsarfati gave a wonderful teaching on the timeline on Sept 24th, but marred it by at the very end of the Q&A time calling out and lumping together that Kingdom now and the 7m teaching and those who think they will make things better and thus bring back the Messiah. These camps are not the same, except that they are more optimistic and therefor more willing to grow and work. They have on their side “the Kingdom is within/among you.”

Since I had enjoyed Amir’s teaching that day, I was momentarily confused. I sought God. Here is the scripture that came to me as an answer ; “The wheat and the tares grow together.”  So, yes the world is dark… but that doesn’t mean we have to be pessimistic and throw down our weapons and just wait for a rescue. No.  Now we are the technon, the teenagers. Then we will be like Him: grown son. For we shall see Him as He is. Division in the camp is a trick of the enemy. We need all that the Body has to be a full Body. Each piece has a revelation and they will fit together like a puzzle.

Sam Fife said, correctly, that preaching against error in other camps makes more error.

Okay, so, Sharon, what are you doing? I am preaching truth in my camp, as respectfully as possible. And erring on the respectful side, too, I think. I get attacked for speaking truth, but when I do, I check to be sure I was as loving and soft as possible,  grieve over those who are inclined to attack others, and then I roll my hurt upon Jesus.



CF DO NOT LEAVE QUIETLY by Mario Murillo  This book is an excellent real time application guide for how to “trumpet” in the current situation. We must speak up, for the Lord, for the church, and for ourselves …. just as Paul did when asked to leave the jail in Phillippi .

Here is a similar place to jump in, and a model to follow, of Christian “speaking up” or “trumpeting forth.”

Someone else, more from a political angle, or at least a different faith angle, chimes in: get active.

Hear is a prayer confession offered for our nation. Kenneth Copeland was saying back in 2011 or so that we needed to start voting and getting involved. Now, he has the www.govictory online channel with the FlashPoint show bi-weekly, twice daily news, and election watch shows. Copeland’s theology might not be your cup of tea, but you have to admit that the current criticism against him: that he claimed it was the devil trying to …. “squeal” the election and destroy our children…. is sort of illustrative of his being entirely correct on at least these 2 points.

Controversial Issues Maturity Perfection Questions and Answers sin

12 Lies in the Church

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Recently, I ran a series on how to tell what is true on The Great Shalom Broadcast: Overcoming Learning Problems, with a view to helping mothers and educators teach their children in these dangerous and bewildering times. Then, I just had this one come up in my spirit.  These may not be the most important lies ever, but probably pretty close. These are lies that are perennial and perverse. You for sure have heard some, if not all of them. Gosh, most of us are caught up in several. If not, then you probably get “corrected” by religious people with these lies — they are so pervasive.

I put them in an order of 12, some of which are paired. Like the judaizers and the gnostics. If you have studied the letters of Paul, you have heard of these. Have you thought about the same lies cropping up in the church today? Legalism hoops and spiritual ladder show-offs. What about the worst and most prevalent: we all sin every day. Oh. Is that true? Maybe. But what about the intended meaning: “so get comfortable with it!” Ah…. no.  That is why I made this “12 lies in the church” track.

This, you must hear.

If you want to hear the series on The Great Shalom, well, you can go there and select the “shop” tab and get the set as a download. It is on sale now, I think.

By the way, if you are a God-hater, and hoped to find criticisms of God… well listen in. Find the grace and mercy of God. The straightforward truth of God, reaching out for you… and all of flesh that is corrupt until God redeems is with resurrection power.

Controversial Issues Current Events Healing Maturity Prayer Sonship Worship

What would it mean to be like Jesus?

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Very surprisingly, I have never heard or seen someone take the life of Jesus, and make a list of what he did and apply that to what maybe we should do. Wow!

What would it mean to be like Jesus? It takes a real step-up of faith to consider that we might be perfected, but we also have to  consider what Jesus was like! …. oooooh and is like! Wow!

Okay, so let’s try that.  Let’s go down the list and find out what would it mean to be like Jesus?

  1. First, he was a obedient, good child, learned the Torah, took care of his family. Check. I think the church knows this.
  2. He got baptized, answered his calling, and went to the wilderness to pray.  Okay. First, Wesley and most people who believe we might be holy believe that would be on the basis of prayer and worship. A few people are following this. One group I know of focused on obedience, submission and going to the wilderness to heighten that. Interesting. That has been done. Maybe everyone needs a wilderness experience to overcome their own personal demons.
  3. Then Jesus began his ministry, proclaiming : “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”  There are few people willing to lead prayers of repentance. There are a few people willing to preach Kingdom.
  4. Then he went out healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and raising the dead, doing good, releasing people from the bondage of the devil. Some of the church has a vision of this. We have a lot of work to do.
  5. Jesus went to the cross and raised again. This is not to be repeated in order to earn our salvation. We identify with Him in His death, burial and resurrection. We signify that we we are baptized. However, we should arm ourselves with that mindset. We live for others. We find that is a glorious, fulfilling life. We were meant for this.
  6. One more thing. Jesus said, “greater works than these.”  What would that be?  We are not yet to the “healed them all” yet. Jesus did that; he healed all who came to him.  So far, I don’t think we are having many meetings were everyone gets healed. People are being raised from the dead mostly in Africa, but I have heard of an instance hear.
  7.  But what would greater works be?  Kingdom fulfillment — on a wide scale.  Not just a soul here or there, but systemic salvation, love and peace. Ultimate good. Imagine that. Eden restored — or better, even grown up.
  8. We, like him, come on a colt, a foal. He will come one day as Judge on a White Horse; God will let us know. For now, we still come as suffering servants with healing in our hands, in sheepfolds, in carpenter shops, and in cesear’s household.

It is a great mystery, a great revelation.   I invite you. It makes all of life meaningful, rich, better than anything else.

Controversial Issues Discipleship Holy Spirit guidance Maturity Mission News Prayer

Chariot Wheels Falling Off

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We had difficulties with Zooming today.
So, I recorded the meeting, pretty much like it would have been had we met via Zoom.
This won’t stay up … gone now.

BTW, very happy that my theme has been verified prophetically. Other, bigger “men of God” have been referring to the chariot wheels coming off. Praise God .. So good to not only protect us but to speak to us… and consistently so. And so very important in this hour. Thank you, Lord!

We will have words and pix with the music from now on when using Zoom. Sorry for that lack before. BTW, discovered that our problems Sunday were because of a glitch that Zoom had. Oh my! on Sunday? Guess we had better pray for tech and for tech protection.

Hoping to be back live on Pentecost Sunday. That is May 31. Hope it will be a potluck party. Stay tuned for an announcement.
Then after that, hoping for personal evangelism.

Course links: Free course on the Constitution Constitution 101

Church growth Controversial Issues Discipleship Leadership Replication Maturity Mission

LEADERSHIP – The Way We Do Things Here

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Good leaders feed the sheep, watch over their souls, and mature the saints for more ministry and for growth into being like Jesus.

Most pastors in regular churches strive to develop a stable sheep base, so they have money for their infrastructure. Sure, many hope to actually teach some Bible along the way. But this pattern makes ministry really about placating people’s flesh, so they don’t stop giving. This model wastes a lot of time, hoping to do ministry somewhere sometime hopefully.

By contrast, we hope to develop more shepherds. If one is developing leadership in others, then one must deliver loving correction some times. One must always watch to see if lessons are learned, if tests are passed. One must rigorously lead by doing the best, hearing the best, teaching the best one can. Without this, people are not maturing and not being made ready for leadership. If the people don’t want this, they are not ready to prepare for leadership. They are not really even walking the Christian walk.

Tests for leadership don’t always come in the same order, but here are some very basic ones.
1. Work. You get to lead, or even have a say, only if you are working for the group.
2. Fulfilling the commitments you made. If you can’t do this, you are not reliable. You are not a leader. This goes along with telling the truth.
3. Being coordinative rather than rebellious. There is a place for leadership, so there is a place for respect and working with others, especially in the agreement upon direction.
4. Being civil, respectful, honoring.
5. Learning. How much should a teacher lavish attention on a student who refuses to learn?
This includes just plain being lazy lazy lazy. You were not meant for decoration.
This includes the full cup syndrome, that is, thinking you a lot, but showing you don’t.
This is related to avoiding the demons of division and strife — who often manifest as religious spirits and often get all caught up in nonsensical details.

Everything is a lesson. Everything is a test. Just because no one says anything to you, doesn’t mean they don’t know what you did; it doesn’t mean you got away with it.
We have already seen an amazing amount of spiritual warfare for such a little group. Just because you are the one scandalized, doesn’t mean you are the most right, the most holy. Often it means you are the most demonized. Don’t be scandalized; instead, be delivered, be healed, and be taught.

We know that given our mission and design, we will attract those who want to be leaders, but haven’t been in the past. This can be a place that will heal the wounds, fill in the holes, and cast out the demons. I hope this will help. Only you can make the decisions.

Austin events Blessings Campaign Austin Church growth Comparisons with other religions Controversial Issues Discipleship launch Leadership Replication Maturity Mission

A New and More Biblical Prosperity Gospel — A Call to Commitment to Assignment

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Studying Haggai. There we are in endtime prophecy. The Lord calls the church to repentance, because it has been building its own house and not his.
This is a new and clearly Biblical prosperity teaching. God would like to bless your house, but can’t if you aren’t building His.
There are a lot of people God has called to leadership. But there are leadership tests that need to be passed. Without a commitment to learn, it is pretty hard to be a Christian. Without commitment to work, you are not a leader. Without a commitment to pull together, you can’t be on a team of leaders.
And yes, sure, there are wounds of previous top leaders who didn’t deploy you, but there needs to be a commitment to healing, too. Come to the Lord.
It is a call to commitment, my friends.

Controversial Issues Discipleship Leadership Replication Maturity

The Weakening of the Church

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One of our leading members brought this pamphlet to our attention: “Is Your Church Going Purpose Driven?”

He has a book out on the topic of the pamphlet too, entitled *The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven Church.* I can not verify the details contained therein such as whether Rick Warren is against the fundamentals of the faith (including virgin birth, atoning death of cross, literal resurrection, and inerrancy of the Bible) and whether Warren explicitly teaches pastors to disenfranchise lay leaders and isolate/vilify resistors. We hope we have misunderstood the claims that Warren’s organization has put pressure on ministries and book sellers to suppress this discussion. We understand  that Hybels has repented of his teaching on “seeker-sensitive.”  However, we certainly and clearly do see a general blandness and sleepiness in churches and  we are concerned.

We know things are not good. We were amused a few years ago when we saw a church choosing to add a statement of denial (what they don’t believe) to their statement of faith. Of course, we have long been aware of a blockage in churches for any kind of application to the civic arena.  We have observed with discomfort that expertise is often not wanted, but instead yes-men without expertise. We have very sadly observed that discipleship and Bible study have become a thing of the past in amazingly many places. We were shocked to discover formerly strongly pentecostal or leading charismatic churches are now both hiding and suppressing any sort of charismata.

Hutchings was a conservative Baptist broadcaster.  Of course, I do realize that Noah Hutchings is mistaken in his claims about the Masoretic text versus the Textus Receptus. Overall, however, Brother Hutchings had a long, faithful and fruitful life and ministry. We do not have to agree on everything to take someone’s point.

Hutchings is making a good point, especially if taken in general: modern fashions in the church growth movement are enervating, weakening the church.  Let us not be so concerned with numbers that we fail to actually be (let alone convert) Christians. Let us not be so seeker-sensitive that there is no reason for anyone to be seeking for God near us. Let’s don’t be snookered out of faith.

At Jesus Name, our model of how to do church is much less concerned with money and show and much more concerned about growth in God and reaching out in real community for others. We hope a model that sacrifices the niceties of space and art can grow more quickly. We hope that leadership that is more concerned with replication than return customers can evangelize and fission more quickly. We hope a model that adheres to the Bible more faithfully can be more fruitful in the eyes of our Lord.

And surely a church with Jesus Name as its name will not forget a relationship with the One who has shared His Name with us.


Leadership Replication Maturity Perfection Sonship

Vilification or Evil Speaking – Prominent Topic for Aspiring Sons

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One of John Wesley’s most famous sermons was “The Cure of Evil Speaking.” “Evil speaking” comes from Ephesians 4: 31. Wesley translated it “vilification.” Modern Americans might say informally “speaking bad about a brother or sister in the Lord.” Wesley’s cure was Matthew 18. Once one considers the matter, one is given a great and important insight.

We know that our words matter. However, this is a point, this speaking ill of other sons/daughters that has been overlooked, forgotten, not understood, or intentionally perverted.  Far from being the ideal management tool, it is sin tantamount to blasphemy! This is vital information for any who are intending ( or eve were once intending) to mature into the Sons/’Uios of God.

Maturity Sonship

“Sons of God” shows up in Scripture

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WOW! I recently found out that ” ‘uois” the Greek work for mature sons shows up in Scripture 7 times. AMAZING. And with all the preaching I have heard on sonship doctrine, I never heard this. Have you? If you are new to sonship doctrine, this will establish what is up — that there are …

Well, I will get back to you on that. there might be more.

Anyway, let’s study those instances I did find.