Jesus Pattern Son » March 10, 2024

Daily Archives: March 10, 2024

Bible Study Controversial Issues Current Events Holy Spirit guidance Leadership Sam Fife's Body of Christ Move of God Sonship

The Government of God

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Here is a new perspective on the Government of God, different from what we were used to hearing in “The Move of God.” I think it is more in line with growing to maturity that what we have heard, and a good deal less tyrannical.

The government of God is aimed at being primarily self-governance, directly under God, through the Holy Spirit. The more self governance one has, the less family government one needs, and the more family government one has, the less church government one needs, and it all of that is working well, then one needs very little civil government indeed.

Notice, that this is different from other systems. One would put church government over all, substituting themselves even for God. Another would put civil government overall, again substituting themselves over all. This is upside down. And evil.

This was constructed for the sonship discussion, but may be useful for anyone interested in topics relating to Bible and government.

Austin events Bible Study Controversial Issues HIlter

Study on How the Bible Relates to Culture and Politics Today – monthly in Round Rock, Texas

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I was at a couple of meetings this past week and between us we could not name a single pastor who would address issues of the day, from Jarrell, Georgetown, Round Rock, or Cedar Park. Therefore, I was asked if I would lead such a study. Of course! So we had our organizational meeting today. Here is the plan: we will meet every 2nd Saturday at 4:00 pm in Round Rock. You must call, leave your name, phone number and email in order to get the location. This is aimed at straining out those who would make trouble. Anyone is welcomed who wants to come and learn. People who act in an illegal, dangerous fashion will face the police. Preferrably we will not face that. So call and leave a message at 512-534-5425.

Topics may include:

  1. Dominion(ism): What the Bible says, what theologIES say, and what the Leftists say we say.
  2. The Importance of Words And How Political Correctness is Being used to Steer Society
  3. The 7 Mountain Teaching: Biblical?Good?Bad?
  4. How to Talk to Infected Youth, How to Get Your Pastor Involved.
  5. Government of God
  6. Romans 13: Does it mean that we must obey ungodly orders?
  7. Is this a Christian nation?
  8. Metaxas’ Letter to the American Church
  9. Lutzer’s books warning Americans based on history of church in Germany during rise of Hitler

Let’s work up to a stable group, large enough to invite guest speakers.

Okay, Sharon, but why do you think you are the right person? Besides that fact that there is a great need and no one else will do it? Maybe because I have a Master’s Degree in Divinity, have a broad understanding of a wide range of theologies and denominational viewpoints, and a Master’s in Sociology, with a long history of running fair and balanced discussions? Well, maybe because at Lifetime Learning Institute, when I taught comparative religions, at the end of the semester, I was given a standing ovation for finishing without a fist-fight or even a quarrel. Or maybe because I am a nut case with already too many things to do.

So, here is the deal. I will teach/facilitate discussion. But YOU must bring people. Next meeting: April 13th 4:00p. Please let me know you are coming, because I have 3 other places to be that day!

Disclaimer: this meeting is open to all, and is not necessarily related to any other JesusNameAustion initiative. You are welcomed to disagree: you will be encouraged to think; you will not be permitted to endanger anyone. Thanks y’all!