Jesus Pattern Son » March 24, 2019

Daily Archives: March 24, 2019


Purim Blessings

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We have for at 2 weeks been celebrating Purim, the feast remembering Esther, Mordecai, and the TURNAROUND a hidden God created through these faithful servants, when a wicked enemy wanted to annihilate the entire people of God.

We were told by Pastor Mahesh Chavda that we would have a blessing if we would read Esther in this season. We noted how anti-semitism was being voiced as never before in our Congress. We now celebrate what Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling “a Purim miracle” in having our president declare that the Golan Heights are an integral part of Israel (as they were when they were given to the tribes of Dan and Mannasseh, the occupants now not living, and even though the British illegally gave it away, and even though it was taken in the War of 1967 in response to an attack on Israel.)

Remembering the blessings of Abraham, we rejoice. We, in alignment with the authority we are under, receive and release Purim blessings of turnaround. Further, a lamb for a household. The blessings are for you and your household. Please see Pastors Chavda speaking blessing over families, including those attacked by divorce and drugs.  March 24, 2019