Jesus Pattern Son » October 17, 2023

Daily Archives: October 17, 2023

Controversial Issues

Statement on War in Israel

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Our hearts go out to those who have been ruthlessless, senseless, and illegally attacked. We are okay with the US doing what it can to prevent escalation. We do not want world war, and fear that either this is a trap or that in any case globalist controllist will use it as such.

Check out these wise words:


1. Don’t permit yourself to be sucked in by emotional rhetoric. Keep your wits about  you. Seek evidence for any claims. Don’t say and so stupid things. Don’t support those who lie and urge the doing of stupid things.

2. In your calculations, do not assume that everyone thinks like you do. Those in the Judeo-Christian tradition assume an default to truthtelling and altruism that others do not. Western civilization subscribes to the theory of Just War (including fighting only against milatary not civilians), but others may not.

3. Also, check out history. Robert Barnes (  and Viva Frie on Rumble)  has had some good teaching on the history of the M$sl*m Brotherhood and other descendant groups, and how they have fought against rulers, autocrats, democracies and currently no one more than the democratic, pluralistic state of *sra3l. Stop listening to people who have fairly consistently lied to you in the past, and listen to other voices, particularly those who have a higher likelihood of being correct.

4. Ask if the claims that Americans are making even make sense, or if they are a contradiction in terms.

5.  Head on a swivel. The religious leader in Ir*an has asked for this J>h*d to be world-wide. Protect yourself and others.

(France and Denmark is burning and not Switzerland. Some states have had some violence, but the South and Western states not so much — even tho they have had demonstrations. THINK ABOUT IT.

While the US is not currently officialy at war.  However, General Flynn says we are in a state of war with China, because they are covertly attacking us.)