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House meeting very satisfactory

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Had a bigger crowd yesterday. Some new folks. Some folks who had been meaning to come. Some visitors who could not go to their big church.
After the meeting, somebody shared this video. It is not ours, but we like it:
This is Discipling; this is church.
Because this is a house church, and we are just starting, how about emailing who you are and letting me send you directions via email? I guess we have enough men to make us safe, but just in case.
Thanks, Sharon



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One would have thought it would be some time before we could announce we have a youth group. Maybe some time after that, when we know these youth, we could announce a trip. A great trip would be to Warrior Fest at Omega Center International in Cleveland TN, hosted by Perry Stone. Lots of kids get saved, delivered from things like drugs and cigarettes, and many more get encouraged in their Christian walk at Warrior Fest. But it is a big deal to travel across the county.

But HA! since We have been asked not to have large gatherings, so Brother Stone has announced that Warrior Fest will be online. Free! Ha! So may revival spread infinitely.

And since that is the case, I am announcing we are partnering with the effort. HAHA. So if you have any young people, encourage them to watch. We will post at least one link here. Probably there will be sessions on Facebook, but OCI has streaming on their site. I would say go to and look for a red button on the upper right hand “watch live.”

Now, if we can get together some young people, I would be happy to host them at my house. Let’s keep our eye out for youth. It is temping to talk just to folks who are looking like they already understand the value of Bible study, but if we listen and look, Holy Spirit will lead us to people who need help and would like to understand the value of Bible study.

What satan meant for evil, God will use for good. Who knew that there would be a great revival when everyone stayed home?! HAHA!


Monday December 30th a Day of National Repentance – called by Dutch Sheets

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December 29, 2019
Give Him 15 – Appeal to Heaven
A Call to a National Day of Repentance on December 30
By Dutch Sheets & Karen Hardin

“After reading Dave Kubal’s article, There was a Spiritual Quid Pro Quo, my heart was grieved over the abuse of America’s power, prominence, and position that we have received from the Lord.

“Ongoing investigations reveal that American officials have been withholding financial aid to other countries for years, unless they agreed to promote abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda to their citizens. It was OUR country that was blackmailing and bullying to spread immorality.

“While we have no idea how far-reaching these seeds were sown or grown, as a nation we are responsible for the wicked harvest that is the result.

“Now that this evil has been exposed, we are responsible to act.

“We also need to repent for the unjust impeachment of President Trump. This action was not because of his actions (despite the claims of the Democrats), but to cover up crimes and immoral actions of our government leaders. They have used their positions to force the above immorality and corruption upon our nation and other nations.

“Before we enter 2020, we need to repent and cleanse our land.

“We invite you to join us for a National Day of Repentance for our nation over what has transpired to uproot those seeds and call on the Lord to forgive us.

“Will you join us on Monday, December 30th, for a day of fasting and repentance of the evil that has been committed as we forced other countries to embrace and spread immorality and evil in exchange for financial assistance?

“We also need to repent for the spirit of pride and rebellion that has been allowed to rule our nation and shake its fist in defiance as our president was impeached by a completely partisan vote. In the end, it isn’t just President Trump they wish to remove. It is God.” (Karen Hardin)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9; ESV)

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer (by Karen Hardin):

We need to first humble ourselves and repent.
We need to ask forgiveness for those we led astray as abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda were forced into other nations.
We need to repent and be cleansed of the blood on our hands from the abortions traded for aid.
We need to pray that the seeds of immorality and corruption that were spread would wither and die.
We need to pray that those who perpetuated this evil will be revealed, removed from their positions, and prosecuted.
We need to cancel any partnership or alliance with the demonic realm, whether that is through an organization, a country, or an individual, and that all such partnerships will be brought to light and cancelled.
Most importantly, we need to pray for revival in our land.
A prayer you can pray (by Karen Hardin):

Father God, we humble ourselves before You and repent as a nation. Lord God, we have sinned. We have used the prominent position and blessings you have given us as a weapon to force immorality and murder upon other countries. Lord, we repent. We ask for your forgiveness.

We ask that those seeds be uprooted from other countries and our own. We speak to them now and say, “Wither and die along with any ongoing harvest.” In their place, we speak revival. We ask that you would cleanse our land and the blight we have put on other nations in which this evil was perpetuated.

Lord, we ask that those who have been involved in these heinous crimes be revealed, removed from their positions, and prosecuted. Lord, stop them from continuing any ongoing actions. We also ask that they will have a Damascus Road encounter with you and that the hardness of their hearts will be turned to hearts of flesh, tender to your Word.

Lord, we ask you to save us. We ask for your help. We repent that we have been asleep and allowed such corruption, because we were not praying for our leaders as You commanded. Lord, we thank you for our president and His stand for you. We ask that you would deliver him and deliver us from those who are intent on removing You from our nation. In Jesus’ righteous Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

We humble ourselves and ask You, Lord, to please heal and cleanse our land.


John Wesley Preached Perfection

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John Wesley, Anglican clergyman and movement founder and ultimately founder of the Methodist traditions, did teach that perfection was possible. He is the first person, I believe, to preach such a thing. It was controversial. However, we have his published writings on the topic. Indeed, we have a a series of writing, so we can find out what he had to say, be inspired and be corrected by it.

He defined perfection as being without sin. People thought a great deal more about sin then than we did now. So “sinless perfection” issued later in the holiness movement. Wesley outlined in what way we could expect to be perfect. He very much had urged against judgmentalness. His method seemed to be devotion. He was not preaching legalism! Quite the reverse!

The Latter Rain and the Same Fife Move of God were informed from the holiness movement, but not much from Wesley. Therefore, in order to re-preach sonship, faithfully, fully, Biblicaly, and within orthodoxy, we should start with what John Wesley had to say.






Things are quiet for the summer – but still having Bible Study

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We will continue having ladies’ Bible study, but we are flexible about time, around travel. Please communicate by emailing

Right now, we have an international flair. We are very welcoming of people from other countries. Please don’t be shy to join.

We are about to study Philemon. Great surprise: Hidden in the last few verses, Paul demonstrates some resolving of previous conflicts. Fun.

Our prayer series on The Great Shalom has ended, but you may get audio at and wherever you get your podcasts.


Purim Blessings

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We have for at 2 weeks been celebrating Purim, the feast remembering Esther, Mordecai, and the TURNAROUND a hidden God created through these faithful servants, when a wicked enemy wanted to annihilate the entire people of God.

We were told by Pastor Mahesh Chavda that we would have a blessing if we would read Esther in this season. We noted how anti-semitism was being voiced as never before in our Congress. We now celebrate what Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling “a Purim miracle” in having our president declare that the Golan Heights are an integral part of Israel (as they were when they were given to the tribes of Dan and Mannasseh, the occupants now not living, and even though the British illegally gave it away, and even though it was taken in the War of 1967 in response to an attack on Israel.)

Remembering the blessings of Abraham, we rejoice. We, in alignment with the authority we are under, receive and release Purim blessings of turnaround. Further, a lamb for a household. The blessings are for you and your household. Please see Pastors Chavda speaking blessing over families, including those attacked by divorce and drugs.  March 24, 2019


Series on Prayer

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If you want a quick but deep and impactful series on prayer, “tune in” to  In 4 weeks there will be a series about prayer: how to start in a life of prayer, how to receive answers, how to go deep in communion with God, and particularly how to pray for your children. You may listen right on the website or you may wish to subscribe to the podcast – on the site, on iTunes or however you prefer.

We take personal prayer seriously — not as a strict rule, but as an inviting, intriguing, refreshing, joyous time. It is worth doing. It is worth diving into deeply. There have been too many “you must do this” and not enough deep dives. This series gives you both.