Current Events Leadership Replication

HOW TO PRAY IN PUBLIC *** How to Lead in Prayer

I was asked to be the lead for prayer in a Christian political group recently.  Surprisingly to me, people were surprised and appreciative. Then, someone was angry — whether from jealousy or from insecurity or more likely from demonic control. No matter. This became the impetus to share what I know. We need prayer leadership. Other ministers teach how to pray, but no one teaches how to pray in public, or how to lead in prayer. Prayer is not for applause. Prayer is not for arguing. Prayer is for acknowledging God in our meetings; prayer is for aligning with the purposes of God; and prayer is for receiving miracles.

It is time to offer prayers for all these reasons! Let’s have no more mumbled meaningless ditties! Let us pray God for intervention in our situation! Let us pray to thank the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Further, let’s lend some leadership in this space that is so very much needed. We need leadership in prayer.

So, for those who don’t yet know, or don’t yet feel comfortable, here is how.

Clarification: short advice is:  pray according to the Bible and according to the Spirit. I am guessing that you already knows that, but felt now I needed to say this clearly. This course is to get someone over the hump of being shy, intimidated, or bewildered. Once you have begun, always throw out your notes and go where the Spirit leads — which always will be exactly aligned with the Bible.

How to Pray in Public, Introduction

Mistakes People Make

Structure of Prayer

Content of Prayer

Delivery Tips

Praying in Mixed Groups

How to Pray in Public Conclusion


These files will be posted here temporarily, probably only until the coming mid-term elections. After that, when I have time, they will be available on some platform as a course.

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