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HIlter Sonship

The Churches’ Experience in Hitler’s Time : Losing or Finding Life

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This is the 3rd and last installment in our fullsome review of Erwin Lutzer’s Hitler’s Cross. In earlier episodes, we saw what Hitler’s intention way. He was being deception, pushing the church out of the picture. Most of the church cooperated. Some did not. They were called “The Confessing Church.” Many of those pastors couldn’t stay true once the Gestapo pressured them.

We talk about Neimoller and Bonhoeffer’s response. Neimoller went to the concentration camp, but was alive when the Allies liberated it. Bonhoeffer was executed weeks before Hitler died. What is so central about the Christian gospel that people would die for it?

Indeed, we are called to come and die. But those who lose their lives, find it. Those who saved it, lost it.

Let’s consider how this applies to us today. In similar situation.

No one more than those who aspire to being sons of God must think about this: both to avoid the fate of Hitler as well as to aspire to the fate of these saints who continued faithful to the confession of Jesus Christ.


History News

Hitler’s Cross 1

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I am reviewing Edward Lutzer’s book Hitler’s Cross. In this episode I simply establish what was going on in Germany and with Hitler as the Third Reich began.

I will let you pretty much draw your own conclusions. I think it is a shame we don’t study history. Indeed, in The Move, we didn’t have any political opinions according to Sam Fife. It offered some peace – at that time. Now, while I don’t think it is a great idea to perseverate on what the devil is doing, I think it helps discernment and intelligent action to know a little history — and made comparisons. Or contrasts. And not be sucked into being triggered. Enjoy.