Category Archives: Prayer

Austin events launch Prayer


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After some deliberation and prayer, it has been decided that we are going to switch to meeting at my house. This should take care of folks who need to not be in germ’s way and keep up appropriately private, etc. We had hoped to make this move in a few weeks anyway.

However, even though I do not live here alone and even though it is a safe neighborhood, I do not want to put the address on the internet. Please email me for the address. We meet at 9:30. Tommorrow we will have something like breakfast type refreshments. In future, we will attempt a potluck.

Oh, we have exciting times. I am very encouraged. Revival is upon us. HalleluJah.

Agenda: Did you know that Purim just happened? I think this is very prophetic in regard to current events. The President of the USA and Franklin Graham, and Pastor Mahesh Chavda have all asked us to join in the National Day of Prayer (of repentance on behalf of the nation and asking God’s mercy and help facing covid-19) and this we will do. We have not forgotten that we are in a series studying the Holy Spirit. So it will be a great morning.

Please make every effort to come. We are in the beginning days of this congregation and of a great move of God. You will want to say you were there. Indeed, you want to be here.

Prayer Worship

Entrance into Deep Prayer

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Text for last Sunday was Psalm 100:1&2, and Psalm 95.
Pattern is enter into his gates with Thanksgiving. We thought a bit about thanksgiving, after we understood “gates.”
And into His courts with Praise. Once we understand Jesus’ work for us, we begin to praise Him. Praise is appropriate for his court.
That was noisy, but then in Ps 95:6, we get to quiet: worship. Deep worship is often not noisy. In deep worship, follwoing the chapter, we can better hear his voice, better move in obedience better see miracles, and we can enter into rest.
This sounds ho-hum? No! this is entrance into the deep things of God.

Controversial Issues News Prayer

Prayer Meeting on Friday Evening

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We have been on the quiet side. First, our Wednesday am women’s group started moving around to accommodate one we were trying to help. Then I was dealing with a family issue.  We are ready to stir up again. Particularly, I’ve been for a long time searching for a Friday night prayer meeting. Clearly, our nation needs prayer. It is time for us to join hands across denominations and pray. Well, if no one is going to do it, I am. Please contact me for address.




fyi: Lance Wallnau on the current situation. Let’s pray Jeremiah 49 with Lance. As one!

Lots more is coming.

BTW, every website gets a lot of spam. I notice this website has started to get spam, but of a particular character: occultic! We will take that as confirmation that we are making a difference. Derek Prince taught, as do his proteges, the Chavdas that such resistance is a time to rejoice. It means that the spirit realm sense God is planning great things. In any case, we believe that Jesus is Lord of all. Don’t you? Don’t you want that kind of God, the kind that lives, dies, and lives again for you?


Prayer Series Continued

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We have now posted 4 times where I lead in prayer, posted on, and on most podcast sites: iTunes, Blubrry, Sticher, for sure. Please let me know if you do not find it on Google Play or Spotify. Should be there, too, if recently.