Jesus Pattern Son » October 3, 2022

Daily Archives: October 3, 2022

Controversial Issues Current Events Feasts of Israel Moedim

Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning?

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Do the The Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Meaning? Is it legitimate to try to find prophetic meaning in the “Feasts of Israel”  (or better named the “moedim” the appointed times of God)?  Shouldn’t we just take the Scripture at face value? Who is to say what they mean? And then, if we do take any meaning, isn’t that an open door for people to “find” some future prophetic meaning?


In a messianic group I visit this was the question posed. First time it was posed, rather than asserted. As a question, it is worthy of being answered. Are there “types and shadows” in the Bible. Is it legitimate to find allegorical meaning? Do these scripture speak of a time beyond the basic commandment? Is there possibly future prophetic meaning?

We can answer all of these questions surely and definitely, based on the text of the Bible, especially the New Testament. Yes, the Bible itself witnessed to, in clear language, that the Old Testament, the Torah especially, was written with types and shadows in mind. Yes, the Bible itself gives examples of finding allegorical or typological meaning in Scripture, and in the moedim in particular.


Having said that yes, there are prophetic meanings, does not mean that ANY BODY AND ANY interpretation is correct. There is a pattern, a trajectory, and other Scriptures. Standard hermeneutical rules apply. Nevertheless, yes, there are prophetic meanings in the text. And most especially, yes, the feasts do have prophetic meanings — of course!


Scripture is deep. Those who want to reduce it to face value want to do so because they want to control it. They want to justify themselves. Those, who look deeply into Scripture will find more. Think Jesus speaking to the pharisees. Think the Bereans. Love the scripture; love to hear the Spirit; focus on Jesus!  It is all about Jesus. It is not about the law. It is not even about the text, as precious as it is. It is about Jesus. (And  it is not so much about us as it is about Jesus, the Pattern Son.)