Jesus Pattern Son » March 29, 2020

Daily Archives: March 29, 2020


Communion on Demand

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HI yall.
Well, we are transitioning to be able to meet virtually, through technology. I’m learning and you are too, probably. Perry Stone says revival will come through the lense of a camera. I hope it does, especially for him. He just had thousands of youth watching a set of meetings that couldn’t be held at his building.

Online communion in normal times might not make sense, but it seems to make sense today. Here is the link for you to use. We will say we are meeting, if asynchronously. Be blessed; be encouraged. Overtake all. LOL
Communion Audio

Austin events Campaign Austin Church growth Holy Spirit guidance

Time to Listen!

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Today we had a word out of Haggai Time for the church to repent. We followed the request of the President, passed on by Franklin Graham and others, a couple of weeks ago to repent on behalf of the nation — a nation that has passed as law of the land things that are hateful to God, that have always proven to be detrimental to society over the centuries, and have never been tradition in the US. Now, however, we are called to pray for repentance for the church. May the Lord grant repentance to the church. And our loved ones. Time to listen!

It is time for a fear of God. We pray that God grant it to us, to the church, and our nation.

For us, also, time to get stirred up, to open our eyes to the way God sees it. Time to build the Kingdom. And the House. God’s way.

For this, God promises blessings.

Also we got a good example of someone who heard from God to get supplies for his family. That is the way we ought be to: practiced in hearing from God. Let’s work on it. Failing that, good if we have had a history of listening to God and good teaching and being prepared. Failing that, listen now. Sort which teachers are good. And LISTEN!

This is the sequence: presence, power, glory, and shalom.