1. Love people – really. So, rather than programmatic stuff, I envision home groups where we do relationships.
2. Authentic worship. We have enough concerts, but we need some real praise and worship. It might take some courage; it might take some healing. Whatever it takes, let’s have it.
3. Discipleship/Personal Development/Spiritual Maturity — meaning really becoming the people we want to be to be good friends, good parents, and standup contributors in whatever walk of life we are in. Let it not be published in Gath that the shamans interviewed on podcasts look like they are ahead of the church here. Discipleship is not an Inquirers’ Class; it is not a Connect Group. It is living out your maximum, no-limits destiny in God that wants to deploy you in the most awesome ways. It is also death-to-(lower)self and alive in God, risen & seated with Him. it is actually doing stuff!